Friday, January 6, 2012

Legislation Tally for 2011

Legislation count for 2011:

Total Bodies of Legislation: 34

Labeled Emergency:
18  (53%)

All three Readings Waived:
12  (34%)

Two Readings Waived:
 3  (8.8%)

One Reading Waived:
1 (2.9%)

Labled Take Effect Upon Passage:
4  (12%)

Dates read include non-routine Council Meetings:
6  (17%)

Presented as "typical" legislation(Read three times at the scheduled, public Council Meetings, not declared emergency nor to take effect upon passage)
9  (26%)

Compared to the 2010 legislation count:

Out of 39 total bodies of legislation:

Labeled Emergency:
22   (56%)

All three readings waived:
14   (36%)

Two readings waived:
1    (2%)- this particular resolution was read the same date of passage, technically I'm not sure the difference between this and waiving all three readings, Council, would you like to explain?

One reading waived:
3   (7%)

Dates read include non-routine, non-public Council Meetings:
6   (15%)

Labeled "Take effect upon passage":
3   (7%)

Presented as "typical" legislation
(Read three times at the scheduled, public Council Meetings, not declared emergency nor to take effect upon passage)
17   (43%)

The rate of rule disposal is about the same; in the 50% range. However the percent of "typical" legislation has fallen from 43 to 26. I have noticed more consideration as to the wording of emergencies and waiving readings, but also more special meetings being mentioned and held.


  1. Based on what is presented, does that mean only 9 of 34 pieces of legislation went through the full 3 readings during regular council meetings? If yes, then that would be just over 25 percent.

  2. I calculated the above as:
    9/34= 0.2647
    0.2647*100= 26.47%
