Friday, October 4, 2013

Candidates flier

What do you think?


  1. Honest opinion? Not too shabby. Tasteful. Positive. They clearly mean business having multiple pieces....seen a couple others. Website seems ok too. No glitches and no cheesy "donate here" button. All in all...not bad.

  2. And now the yard signs are popping up. Bringin' their "A" game, y'allz.

  3. There are a lot of nice sounding words but not really any substance. The same thing is just as true or maybe more true for the other candidates.

  4. Certainly doesn't apply to the current and several recent past council members that have resigned. Looks like any generic flyer from anytown USA. Honesty? Hahaha, that's funny.

  5. You would have to be crazy to vote for any of these people! This is the people the TROUT has hand picked. They will be just like the others that resigned. They will follow her till they get a back bone then say they i quit.
    Pam! What has she done besides sit there and agree with the TROUT. It sure does not take some with a Dr beside her name to figure out that Minerva Park did not have the money to buy a golf course.

  6. Over the weekend i saw the old TROUT out putting up signs in people's yard. Rest assured these are her hand picked people she can boss around on council ! That worked for some time with the ones in the past till they quit ! People need to get a back bone and stand up ! The Village is a boat sinking in water. We are loosing services and there going to ask for more money ! Whats up with that?

  7. Well, at least none of the folks on that sign got caught trying to buy the services of a prostitute, eh?

  8. No one cares about that. If the village cared about honesty, truth, and moral values, why did they hire the current police chief and the village maintenance worker?
    Please do your research on these two. But then again the village has a police officer that says "police are allowed to lie." Rumor has it that even the police officers and chief are applying elsewhere. Perhaps even they too are seeing how bad the current mayor and council is?
    Out with Trout. Something to think about.... If the Chief is a witness in a crime or arrests someone accused of a serious crime, there is a REAL chance that case may be dismissed because of her past honesty issues. But that's cool... At least you can say, we didn't vote that guy that was accused, not convicted, but accused of trying to "buy the services of a prostitute." Thank you for reading my post. I hope this opens some eyes.
    Once again, please research your current police chief and village maintenance worker. The village seems to hire who they want without PROPPER background checks. Checks now done by a chief that has honesty issues and officer that says that it's okay for the police to lie.

  9. Do the math have a candidate who has not only been accused of soliciting for prostitution, but also CONVICTED of drug charges, not being able to handle zoning issues in Columbus and even drunk driving. Certainly not a candidate that I would trust with money, unless it's drug money or hooker money! Great picture BTW still on NBC and other news outlets, even if it has been only a year ago...he still looks the same today. LOL!!!

    1. To those of you who would like to make me out to be someone who isn't capable of being a good Coincilperson, I would like to remind you that I have been responsible for correcting more of the mistakes the Village has been making than any of the current Officials.

      The thing that has got me in a lot of trouble was pointing out that our new Police Chief was not "cleared on all charges and reinstated in full" That is what Council and the residents were told about the Chief being fired from her last job. The truth is she was cleared on 3 of the 4 charges and was fired for being dishonest.

      There have been a lot of things residents have had to get permits for that were not in the codes.
      1. They passed a ordinance requiring a permit for a fence after I pointed out that there wasn't a code for a fence permit.
      2. There is nothing in the codes that say you need a garage sale permit
      3. There is nothing in the codes that say you need a permit to put up a shed unless it's over 200 square feet.
      4. It's against the law for the Village to make someone get a Home Occupation permit for a home daycare business, but they made people do that before.

      The Code Enforcement Officer used to be a sub contractor position until I pointed out that he wasn't covered under the Village insurance as a sub contractor. Now he is an employee of the Village.

      Regardless of what happens on November 5 th I will continue to work to make the Village a better place. I feel like I have gotten a lot done without being on Council, imagine what I could do if I were on Council.


  10. Mr. Benedetti sir,
    Please keep up the good work. The residents appreciate your hard work. The one bashing you is probably the one police officer that says it's okay for the police to lie. He has issues. These are great examples of the good things that you have done for the village.
    You have made mistakes in your past and have owned up to them, unlike the police chief and current public officials. Honesty is an important character in a polition. Something the current administration knows nothing about. Keep up the good work.

  11. Oh wow!!! He can't even spell COUNCIL correctly....LOL! He has held a grudge against the village ever since he tried to run a day care out of that house of his and a child got out. Plus he can't even stay out of the municipal court dockets because of his issues with drugs, prostitution or code violations for being a slum lord. I don't like the village leaders either, but one thing I don't want is a druggie who just like to bitch and gripe like Tony does then paints himself to be a saint! There are more people than he thinks that knows how he really is. And for the people who support him, you really need to lay off the weed too.

  12. I do hope you proof read your own comments next time. You crack me up Mr. Anonymous posting above. You have bad spelling yourself. "I don't want a druggie who just LIKE to bitch." Not to mention the run on sentences. "I don't like the village leaders either, but one thing I don't want is a druggie who just like to bitch and gripe like Tony does then paints himself to be a saint". You don't start a sentence with and. Please see your last sentence of your comment. Perhaps you are the one that is high on weed?
    Good thing anonymous was already spelled for you. I do hope you aren't running for council?
    Tony Benedetti for council!
    You've got my vote.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. It appears that the only one posting negative comments on here is officer Femstermaker. He is just too afraid to put his name attached to his comments about Mr. Benedetti. I can see why he was asked to seek counciling for his issues. True story. Check his personel file at Minerva Park PD. It is available to any the request it via a public records request. It should be free of charge but the Mayor needs a pay raise so you may be charged.
    It is pretty interesting and funny to read.

  16. My suggestion to anyone on here who's bringing my name up will be that you should present PROOF before accusing anyone of anything, especially in a public forum. Be prepared to allow that person to face his/her accuser as well, because ALL of us have rights, too!

  17. Above comment removed as requested. Second comment requesting the first be removed was removed for unnecessary bashing. Recorded prior to removal.

    See Comment Policies here:

    "Freedom of speech is limited, however, with the imposition on the freedoms of others. While I will not monitor every single comment posted (they automatically get posted after submitted, I do not approve before posting) I ask that comments refrain from direct bashing, banter, or abuse. The topics shared here are often felt strongly about and I ask that we remain civil and somewhat productive in sharing our facts and opinions on the issues."

  18. looks like the dirty cop has came out from under his rock!!!

  19. How is the job hunting Matt ? No one wants you!!

  20. Freedom of speech is great officer Fenstermaker. We the people can express our thoughts and opinions ( at least non Minerva Park residents can ) without fear of prosecution. No one has accused you of anything. Do you have a guilty conscious?
    Answer this question Matt. Are you the one bashing Mr. Benedetti? I don't suppose you will answer that because either you haven't grown a pair or your wife took those with your kids when she left the state. I am sure you will cry and ask the administrator to remove this post becasuse the truth hurts and you have issues. If you don't like the residents speaking their minds about you and the village personel, go find another job. How did Reynoldsburg and Obetz PD work out?
    Oh, Nevermind.... Rumor has it, you were denied, turned down, or as the saying goes... COP BLOCKED!

  21. These comment threads get so mean spirited. This is just toxic stuff.

  22. Speechless Matt? Not going to answer the question that intelligent anonymous guy or gal asked you two posts ago? Your silence speaks for you. How is that for proof? Quit trash talking the candidates and let the voters decide fir themselves who they want to run their village.
    Mr. Benedetti for council!

  23. It's really sad that the person who decided to bring my children into this would sink that low. I know what they're trying to do by making all of this personal, and all I can say is that particular person should be ashamed of themselves for making comments about my family.

  24. Quit crying Matt. The comment was not about your kids. It was about if you had the courage to admit that iit was you or not that keeps bringing up Mr. Benedetti and his past. Suck it up and stop making it out to be something it's not.
    No shame here.
    Do you live here in the village? Do you vote for village issues? Your opinions do not matter. If you are bashing Minerva Park residents that is not something I would expect from a so called police LT. / supervisor. You are the one that should be ashamed. I would say good luck with the job hunting but no one wants you and you would fail any physical fitness test.

  25. Matt is one of the village "cowards". He has been called out and asked a question.He is refusing to aanswer a simple question. I know he reads this blog because he was on here crying the other day. Matt, your silence is all of the "PROOF" that I need that you are the one stirring the pot and harassing Mr. Benedetti. Here is your chance to confrontthe one that belbelieves you are the coward / police LT that is harassing and bashing Mr. Benedetti.
    Disclaimer: ( wouldn't want you to threaten to sue me or the administrator of this blog). This post is not accusing Matthew Femstermaker of any wrong doing or anything illegal. This post is not endorsed by Jessica Rhodes and is only intended to ask Matt a question as to if he is the one bashing Tony Benedetti and bringing up his past legal issues. End of disclaimer.

  26. Matt... Matt... Where did you go? The floor is yours. Please respond to the question. Have you been ordered not to respond? Do you not have the courage? I am calling you out.

    Are you the one bashing Tony Benedetti and bringing up his past legal issues? Posting links to the municipal court website?

    Here is your chance to respond and confirm or deny that you are the one bashing Minerva Park residents.
    I'm not giving up but your silence is giving us an answer for you.

  27. He is a poor excuse for a MAN!

  28. He is not a man. That is part of the problem. He is a police officer that can't own up (or deny ) to his own actions. How can the people of Minerva Park allow this?
    How can the Mayor and council allow this to continue? Is this any way for a police Department to operate? Nevermind... I see how. Lynn Eisentrout and Nuesse and Sharon Beirman and Pam park Curry run the village. Eiesntrout runs the Police Department and Nuesse is her puppet.
    I'm still here Matt.... Not going away. Still waiting on your answer.

  29. Imagine that. Matt isn't commenting and the Benedetti bashing has stopped.
    I would fire his butt. That is NOT something a police officer should be doing. Not professional and brings shame on the police department. I would hope this type of behavior isn't allowed or encouraged.

  30. Sounds like some fine supposition. do you have anything better then a guess? Cuz my guess is that it's Wonko the Sane doing the bashing from out side the asylum.

  31. I would have more than a guess but he is refusing to answer the question that he was asked. So its just a coincidence that the bashing has stopped and he is refusing to respond. I guess I'm not old enough or smart enough to get your not so funny attempt at comedy.

  32. You're definitely not him. Too many big words and he would have no idea who Wonko the sane is.

  33. Thought I'd help out...

  34. Too late, still not funny.

  35. I'm sorry what does most of this have to do witht he original post?

  36. You people are bonkers.

  37. Matt Sucks!!!! You Asked!

  38. No seriously. Every last one of you acts like a child. You should be ashamed.

  39. Maybe some are here to act the child... So those should be proud.

  40. Thank you. I don't mind being called childish. That's not necessarily a bad thing.
    Ohhh Maaaa aaaat! Come out come out wherever you are. Matt Fenstermaker, are you ever going to grown a pair and speak up? I know you're out there. You pansy.

    1. "Ohhh Maaaa aaaat! Come out come out wherever you are. Matt Fenstermaker, are you ever going to grown a pair and speak up? I know you're out there. You pansy."

      Look at how much this brave warrior for truth loves his village. The mayor and her goons besmirch it so! Continue your fight for honesty and justice, or noble one! Truly the future of Minerva Park rests within your golden heart!

    2. Still here and waiting Matt! Told you I wasn't going away.
      I predict you will be jobless in 2014 and never be a cop again. Seek counseling for your issues. Maybe get a refill on your psych meds.

    3. Yo, officer Fenstermaker.... Did you go back in to hiding? You will be back when they put a safety levy on the ballot so you can keep your benifits. Ill be here to let everyone know that their money will be better spent if they let a real police department take over. Better service, more convictions and won't be harassed by officers that drag handicapped persons from their vehicles. Officers that dont need therapy.

    4. Yo, officer Fenstermaker.... I was wondering how the job search is coming? Ever thought about applying out of state? No body wants you here. When the village funds are gone, ( and they will be) so will you. Thanks to he mayor and her out of control spending and the chiefs lack of basic knowledge on budgets, you will be in the unemployment line soon.

    5. Just checking in... Matt, you still out there? Happy Thanksgiving. You should be thankful that your mom is not around to see what a prick you have become.
      Happy Thanksgiving to all of the Village folks. May you have a safe and ticket free holiday season. Your New Years resolution should be to take back your village from the criminals and liars running it.
      Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night. ( execpt Matt, Eisentrout, Kim Nuesse and the rest of council. )

  41. Hello my friendly residents of Minerva Park.
    Just a few words. I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
    My ELF on the shelf has been busy reporting back to Santa and has heard that our wonderful LT. Matthew Fenstermaker was recently kicked out of the jail with a prisoner and had a verbal confrontation with a LT supervisor at the Franklin County Jail. It is rumored that LT. Fenstermaker was VERY unprofessional and was ordered to leave the jail with his prisoner. Would LT. Fenstermaker like to report his side of the incident? It has been reported and confirmed that Fenstermaker has anger issues in his past. Please see his personal file on record where he was asked to seek counseling.
    Santa is not happy with his actions and would like an explanation from him before deciding to remove him from the naughty list.
    Matthew Fenstermaker, please respond as soon as you can. Thank you.


  42. I would love to enter this forum if still available, I can shed alot of light on Mr. Fenstermaker and his love of his family. The one that had to move 5 states away that he refuses to assist and care for. A great deal of paperwork flows through the court system, this guy is a true piece of work. Its ok for a police officer to lie, even about his own kids and ex wife.
