Sunday, January 15, 2012

Executive Sessions

I found this post in Drafts from August, and felt it should still be published. I haven't updated the numbers or data since its original drafting.

Since January 2011, there have been at least five executive sessions held with the mayor and some or all of council.

I say at least because I (a resident) almost didn't know about two of these executive sessions. They were held during Safety Committee Meetings, which were posted on the bulletin board in front of the community building a short time before the meeting was to be held. I don't doubt that they were within the extent of the law because they were likely there 24 hours beforehand (the time set by the Ohio Revised Code), however they were likely posted not much earlier than that. Some committee meetings are planned months in advance, the dates brought up in regular council meetings and work sessions, however these were not.

The following is a list of the dates on which executive sessions have been held:

April 9 - During a council work session, involving "personnel matters", the Police Chief Kim Nuesse and Clerk-Treasurer Suzanne Coulter were invited.

May 7 - During a council work session, the Police Chief and Clerk-Treasurer were invited.

July 18 - During a Safety Committee Meeting, inviting the Police Chief and legal counsel Jennifer Croghan

July 25 - During a Safety Committee Meeting, inviting the Police Chief and legal counsel Jennifer Croghan

August 8 - During a regular Council Meeting, inviting the Police Chief and legal counsel Gene Hollins

All of these executive sessions are said to have involved "personnel matters" involving the police. Some, also, are said to involve pending litigation.

As she reported in the August Villager, since Nuesse became chief, two officers have resigned, and though she listed one terminated, it has become two as of July 18th.

Something is going on with our police force, and it doesn't look as if it's good. I whole-heartedly support our police in Minerva Park, but it seems there have been some issues since at least April, when these executive sessions started popping up so frequently.

[As of 1/15/12, the executive sessions continue, due to pending litigation and personnel matters. Like clockwork there are issues needed to be discussed each month, at nearly each meeting I have witnessed.]


  1. Yes and if you're paying attention, they are always behind closed doors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Why is that? What are we hiding from the residents of Mp? Pay attention people, she is up to know good.

  2. I would like to know how the council was aloud to vote Mr. legg in. The residents voted and Jessica Rhoades should have been given that seat. Has anyone checked into this procedure where the mayor and council appoint who gets the vacant seat? I would hope someone is looking into this, other than the mayor.

    1. Council was allowed to appoint Mr. Legg based on the rules of council. Unfortunately council as a whole basically ignored results of the recent election which showed a resident preference for 2 other candidates over Mr. Legg.

      Executive sessions during a committee meeting that not all council members were present or specifically invited to does seem a bit odd. In a community as small as this it seems something of that importance would make sense to include all.

  3. What happens in Session stays in Session...

  4. COULD IT BE ABOUT THE CHIEF OF POLICE..Remember the residents had no clue that when she was hired that she had an out-standing lawsuit in Sandusky, Ohio. They were never told when she was hired so they must keep it from her now. Just a thought.

  5. No comments, must have nailed that one.
