Monday, January 9, 2012

January 2012 Villager

The January 2012 Villager is available online, if it hasn't hit your mailbox yet.

I anticipate residents can hear more about these topics at the Council Meeting tonight, however here are a highlight of some interesting topics from this month's Villager.

The MPCA is taking nominations for the Duck Award, recognizing an outstanding citizen our group from 2011.

There are plans for a Getting to Know You section, now featuring those who own a (certified) business within the park.

Lynn Eisntrout's Mayor's Report includes that her campaign website will remain live to share information. I don't understand why the Minerva Park website isn't the selected venue for this information, given that it is likely what residents are familiar with and representative of The Village as a whole.

All of Jordan road may be repaved, The Village has received 100% funding for the project, as of the Villager's printing.

Coffee with Council is going to be held January 23, and will include a speaker from ODNR sharing information about controlling the goose population.

The police department was in the process of determining which street signs need replaced due to age or exposed due to branches or shrubs impeding them.

The code enforcement officer is working on enforcing zoning laws with the owners of the "Payless Quickstop" car repair business. This seems to be an ongoing issue, but hopefully something can be worked out to improve the unsightliness we now see.

With the new year brings new terms in Council. Kent Stanley's term as council person ended in December and Dave Way took his place. The position of Matt Danzuso's vacancy was filled by Charles Legg (chosen by council, 4 to 1). Charles was placed on the Streets Committee and Dave on the Community Committee.

Council went into executive session at 7:50pm until 8:03 pm at the December Council Meeting. This was to discuss personnel issues and litigation. I have a hunch this has to do with the Jason Gross case, as posted about previously.

There is an article featuring three MP residents, students of Westerville South. This is a nice touch. I've noticed in previous Villager issues (as in the early '90s, late '80s) there was an emphasis on residents, something I personally would like to see more of. I think it instills a community within us more so than articles about the council and such. I think the MPCA is working towards this, and personally, I think it's great.

The police blotter has several breaking and enterings reported, though it appears many were at once at the Westerville Storage place within the village, it's a reminder of our crime rate lately.

The Village is looking for carpenters and masons to help with some repairs, if you have skills to lend, it would be good of you to share them. One idea mentioned is crafting a lending library box, for reusing books no longer wanted by the original owner. Sounds like a great idea, and I'd like to see it put into action, and would donate a book or two in the case it gets built!

Hope to see more residents at the Council Meeting tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Yes the Villager did have a nice piece about the three students. Makes it sound like a charming village to live it. Boy,words can be decieving.
