Thursday, July 28, 2011

2003 Election Results: Mayor of Minerva Park

Found on 10TVs website.
Precincts Reporting: 100 percent
Candidate Votes
Lynn Eisentrout 259 43%
Martin Grosh 202 34%
Jack Murray 137 23%
LAST UPDATED: Nov-06-2003 12:35 PM Eastern Standard Time

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The following is a video showcasing Minerva Park, uploaded by "TheBrandtGroup", found on YouTube.

This was shot in May 2011. For the most part it features the lakes, while there are other attributes residents may enjoy, it gives a good view of the lakes, which are a large asset for the Village.

Monday, July 25, 2011

We are Unique

Today I took a walk someplace other than Minerva Park and was reminded of the unique beauty of our village.

There was nothing wrong with the neighborhood I walked through today, the homes are kept up and the neighbors look friendly, but their houses are all very similar. The same 5 or 6 blueprints are found throughout the neighborhood, with a few more unique ones thrown in. As I looked to see how many of one type I could find I was reminded of how Minerva Park is not like that. Most new neighborhoods, or even those that bloomed in the '60s, '70s, or '80s are filled with the preliminary "cookie cutter" houses that are now growing in numbers throughout our area.

Minerva Park may have a few homes that share floor plans, here and there, but a typical stroll through the park will give you very different views than that in a newer neighborhood. Our trees are fully mature, our homes are largely unique, and our streets are winding, canopied by those trees we love so much.

We  may not have the sidewalk systems you'll see in Westerville or Gahanna, but we have a character that cannot be found in a neighborhood with predictably spaced blocks and trees fresh from the orchard.

If searching for a home in Minerva Park, the same floor plan won't keep popping up on different blocks. Our homes each have a unique facade and character, one that can't be replaced by Dominion Homes (as fine a home builder they may be...) but is grown in time and with the history of our village.

When times get difficult politically in the Village, sometimes I have to remind myself of what it is that makes living here so great. There is a sense of community here that, when fostered, can give hope for the Village. I have found many more things to report here recently that are negative, because a lot of what is coming out of our Community Building right now is negative, but I hope to see changes made there and more positive things to bring to light as I walk through the park, because our village is unique, and I fear we stand to lose all of that if things continue the way they've been going.

Sadly, though, I feel most residents are unaware or uninterested in what is going on in the community building to be able to see the things that I (and many others) are seeing. There are high school-like games coming from "our" politicians here in the Village, and if anyone speaks out against them or tries to raise awareness they become a target. This has to stop. Our Village and our homes are worth more than that, but the credibility of our representatives is questionable and growing worse as the issues grow. I'd love to have no news rather than negative news here, but it seems that's what keeps coming from those elected to "represent us". This, I think, is worth DECLARING AN EMERGENCY.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Playground Structure

The Minerva Park Playground has become a sore sight. The June 1999 Villager featured a piece on the new playground to be installed, it has since been 12 years.

You might notice from this shot that things aren't exactly straight anymore. The railing next to the spiral slide indicates some of the tilting going on. In person it is much more pronounced all around, if you give it a look.

The wooden structure has been infested with bees in the warmer months, which have left holes throughout the structure. The wood is now rotting and it seems almost monthly this year there has been a board needing replaced.

Here is just one example of the damage from bees:
 Almost every roof peak looks like this.

A few days ago, an entire railing fell off the upper landing:

It belongs above the yellow tunnel, seen above.

Someone propped it up against a post.

Rotten wood permeates the structure.

A look from above on where it was rotting.

Here is a shot of the underside of the large platform. It looks as though a supporting board is missing.

As of the night these photos were taken, Tuesday, July 19th, there was caution tape on the structure. I have yet to see if proper repairs have been made. Edit: as of 8:30pm July 22nd, there is still caution tape where the railing belongs.

Not only is this a safety hazard, it concerns me as a resident because on Wednesday, July 20th, Dave Hays, the Code Enforcement Officer, spoke to a resident saying that there were complaints made about the weeds in their garden, a commercial vehicle in their driveway and a few other issues. The residents neighbors didn't file any complaints and, apparently under Lynn Eisentrout and Kim Nuesse's advice, Dave came to the residents' home with a police officer. Why isn't attention being given to the safety hazard that exists in the Minerva Park playground (one that the Park stands to be in a lawsuit over if a person were hurt) but it is being focused on a resident which Lynn personally does not like?

If you want to take things further, why isn't attention being given (at least more strongly) to the commercial properties on Cleveland Avenue that fall under Minerva Park Zoning Ordinances? Any resident who drives past that strip mall serves to gain from it being cleaned up and ordinances better enforced. Better yet, residents who are trying to sell their homes in Minerva Park but can't because of the surrounding area serve to gain from those businesses being held to the zoning codes, much more-so than they do one commercial vehicle and a few wildflowers at the residence of a neighbor whom Lynn decided to single out.

No Parking, Nuesse

Apparently when you're the police chief you can park wherever you like.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Chief Kim Nuesse

Last night the appointment of the new Minerva Park Police Chief, Kim Nuesse, was made official and accepted by Council.

The Village has done a good job touting her achievements, I have to say. She was featured on the cover of the February 2011 issue of The Villager, with a total of nearly three pages devoted to her appointment.

She has done many things in her career, and so far she has done a lot for our Police Department, though in my opinion not all of them good; some of the fired veteran officers we had likely agree. However, it is what it is and she is now officially accepted by Council.

In this post I hope to bring clarity to the timeline of her appointment and divulge some of the information that I feel was nearly covered up by those in charge of publishing and recommending Ms. Nuesse.

September 3, 2010- The Sandusky Register reports that Kim Nuesse has filed an appeal with the Sixth District Court of Appeals

September 20, 2010- Minerva Park's Public Safety Liaison begins work

October 11, 2010- Minerva Park Council ratifies the creation of a Public Safety Liaison to assist with the search for a new Police Chief. Pay set to $25/hour for an estimated 20 hour work week for a period of four to six months. Three readings waived on this resolution, declared an emergency.

December 13, 2010- Minerva Park Council establishes a pay range for the Chief of Police, set between $50,000 to $70,000 per year. Two readings waived, passed the same date as first reading, as an emergency. The previous pay range for the position was $43,001 to $48,000 set February 12, 2007 by resolution 2007-6.

December 27, 2010- Kimberly Nuesse resigns as Sandusky City Commissioner

December 29, 2010- The Morning Journal reports Kim Nuesse's resignation, stating: "Nuesse cited new employment opportunities and relocation as reasons for resigning. She would not say where she might be relocating to."...

 January 8, 2011- Minerva Park's Safety Committee, Public Safety Liaison Jeff Miller, and Lynn Eisentrout presented Kim Nuesse as their "unanimous choice" out of 43 applicants nation-wide.

January 10, 2011- Minerva Park Council approves an ordinance setting forth the terms of employment for the Police Chief, in response to the letter of intent to Ms. Nuesse, increasing the vacation time of the position. Three readings waived, passed as an emergency.

January 14, 2011- Kim Nuesse is sworn in as Police Chief of Minerva Park

January 19, 2011- Kim Nuesse's live interview with Matt Westerhold of the Sandusky Register is posted online, in which she states that she decided to resign in late December to move on to greener pastures, she was "in search of full time work while this appeals process is sorting itself out" and has located potential job opportunities in the Columbus area, but that she couldn't say where but that she was hopeful and it was very promising.
When asked what she would do if working in the Columbus area and offered her position as Sandusky's Police Chief her answer was that she would take things one step at a time.

January 24, 2011- Official start date of Kim Nuesse's position as Police Chief of Minerva Park.

January 25, 2011- The Sandusky Register reports Nuesse is a police chief once again.

Perhaps more later on her achievements during this time in the Village.

July 11, 2011- Minerva Park Council passed a resolution affirming the appointment of Kim Nuesse as Police Chief of Minerva Park. Readings were held June 13, June 20, and July 11, 2011.

At the July Council Meeting, several spoke highly of Chief Nuesse, dismissing findings on the internet. A particular issue was brought up that seems to have been previously overlooked can be found in this document, the ruling of the case between Kimberly Nuesse and the City of Sandusky, in which she was found to have failed to be absolutely honest. Sounds much like our current Mayor if you ask me, but that's what research is for. Look for yourself.

We now have her as our Police Chief, and I hope she can do great things for our village, while she's here. She has shown initiative and does hold a long list of accomplishments, and only time can tell what she will bring to us, we'll have to take that one day at a time.

Given the way things were presented (or, NOT presented) to residents and the fact that these issues of character were overlooked I would not say that I agree with Council's decision last night, but as of yet they don't care to listen anyway.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Garage Sale Permit

The topic was brought up in tonight's Council Meeting about needing a permit to hold a Garage Sale in The Village of Minerva Park.

Word on the street is that Lynn Eisentrout approached at least one resident this past weekend while holding a garage sale and told them they needed a permit in order to have one. This is contrary to the following letter, written by Sara Schumacher, Office Assistant to Lynn Eisentrout.

It reads:


After much research the Village can provide you with no code regarding the garage sale permit. The fee and permit were established in years prior to the current administration. Most likely it was established verbally by a previous Mayor to limit the number of reoccurring garage sales within the Village and to ensure proper traffic control. Unfortunately all prior Mayors have since passed away so we have no way of properly tracking the exact origin of this permit and fee.

Additionally, the Village can provide you with no code regarding specific fence footer depths. 


Sara Schumacher
Office Assistant

Perhaps those who were wrongfully charged for a permit should be reimbursed? 

Lynn's comments on the matter tonight were that she misspoke, and that said comment was only a comment, not to begin discussion.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

July 2011 Villager

Opening this month's Villager, I found it much improved compared to last month's issue. The bias is less apparent, I suppose.

The issue can be found online, here.

While I encourage you to read it in full or at least an overview, here are my thoughts, as a resident, on it.

Lynn's Mayor's Report included a piece on the Yard Waste pick up. It was a good clarification of the "regulations" as she said, however I found it interesting that they claim the "garbage drivers think it is yard waste and leave it for the yard waste drivers and vice versa" when a can contains both some garbage and some yard waste or vice versa. I found this interesting because almost every week, yard waste comes through first, then the recycling truck, and then, much later in the day, garbage pick up. How could the garbage people think it's going to be picked up by the yard waste truck, when they've already been through and neighboring cans are empty of yard waste? Either way, she gave us a clarification of the regs. and I suppose we can easily enough follow them. There are labels at the Community Building if you need/desire any for your cans.

The Mayor's Report also included a piece from the Council Meeting on Finance, in which they sum up the happenings in the Public Hearing of the Budget that was held 30 minutes before the regular council meeting. I have to say, I don't believe this short collection of sentences is a full and accurate account of what happened or what was questioned or said, but at least it was acknowledged, I suppose.

The report of the Council Meeting ends with a note that the Council Meeting retired into Executive session, which seems to be an "as usual" recently. There have been at least three executive sessions in the last four months that I am aware of. Hmm....something with "personnel" is going on. More on this with the Police Chief's piece....

Also, "Where are You?" is interesting. I'm glad it was included, because we need more residents to get involved. But I have to wonder if this was included because they need more residents involved. Lynn is up for re-election this year, and she won by little in the last race. This year the Late Jack Murray will not be running, and if one should run against her she stands a chance at losing. Considering the source, this doesn't feel sincere. The facts on the 2007 election are sobering though, only 35.5% of Minerva Park residents voted in our races. 

Of note: the Minerva Park Green Team is on Facebook, check 'em out if you're interested.

Now, to Chief Nuesse's piece, "On the Beat". I think this was filled with valuable information for residents. I myself have wondered what constitutes a 9-1-1 call or a call to the non-emergency line (882-1223).

I did notice the "New Officers" paragraph as well. These are the officers replacing the two recently fired. Supposedly what those "Executive Sessions on Personnel matters" were about. I hope these new recruits will prove as valuable to the Village as their predecessors have, but I'd like to see less Executive session and more value of the officers who know this village and have served here for years.

I also found it a bit ironic that she states "Would you like to meet your officers and get to know what the crime trends are to better protect you and your family?" when just weeks ago there was an order put out basically stating that officers were not to speak to residents for "a prolonged period". The Chief states residents can call her to set up a time and place, in the Villager.

Otherwise, I did find her piece informative and useful.

The Garage Sale Fund Raiser is coming up next month, something I and many I know look forward to every year. Registrations are due August 10th, 7:00pm to Dianne Poncinie.

Also of note, Suzanne Coulter, resigned Clerk-Treasurer, is still managing the Village finances. While I disagree with her attitude and some of her opinions, and previously how involved she managed to make her opinions though her position did not merit it, the Village does owe her some gratitude for maintaining the Village accounts. She could have left us high and dry in immediate need of a replacement, and she has chosen not to. Though I don't typically have much nice to say about her because of what I have seen in the Community Building out of her, I do realize the value of her work, particularly now that she is choosing to do so when she doesn't have to.

Overall, I felt this issue of the Villager was less propaganda, less opinionated, and less biased, though we still have to consider the source.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Lynn's Responses

The following is an example of the dialogue that can be found when speaking with our Mayor, Lynn Eisentrout.
I'll save you the trouble of a public records request and share with you an e-mail conversation that was also shared with me. Word gets around a village of 1,400 fairly quickly, if it is desired to be heard.

6/18/11 6:52pm

Hi Lynn,
I was at Minerva Park's playground with my daughter this evening.  I
wanted to communicate with you my concerns.  The play equipment has a
broken platform that is unsafe.  There are borer bees all around the
structure.  There is a condom wrapper and close by, a used condom on
the ground.  I don't know who is in charge of maintaining the
playground, and assuring it is safe and hygienic for children.  Can
you please let me know?  I hope that you will communicate to the
appropriate person that the playground needs some attention.  Thanks
for your attention to this matter


6/19/11 8:31am

Good morning. Thank you, I'll go and inspect the playground today or tomorrow and see to it.
Please wish Blaine a Happy Father's Day.

6/19/11 11:18am 

Who is in charge of the maintenance and upkeep of the playground? I have found out that council members were informed of the broken platform almost two months ago, and stated that it would be fixed at the last lake clean-up day (April 30th). The conom and wrapper were gross, but the platform is a true safety hazard. It is very fortunate that someone hasn't been seriously hurt. 

6/20/11 6:15am

Good morning. As you probably already know, the playground falls under the Community Committee. As usual, we had very few volunteers for the the Clean-up and did the best we could with the number of people available. I think Councliman Danzuso had hoped to have a group address the playground but, again, not enough volunteers showed up to help.

As I stated yesterday, Lindsay, it will be taken care of.

Thank you for calling this to my attention.



6/20/11 2:04pm

Good afternoon. The playground toy has been inspected and repaired and we'll have to stay on top of the bee problem. I myself will see if the condum wrapper and used condom are still there and dispose of them.  

I have a favor. I am trying to confine MP business to my MP email so if you would be so kind as to send future communications to: I would appreicate it.
I hope this has helped. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you see anything else that needs our attention. 

I will consecutively go through the issues I see with these e-mails. 

The sincerity of the "Happy Father's Day" wishes for Blaine would be easy to see through if one were to hear it said. Just like the "I don't recall" she has given him when he has reminded her of conflicting things she has said. 

Next, "passing the buck" to the Community Committee, or Matthew Danzuso, is not an answer for a dangerous (or dirty) playground.  Neither is bringing up not having enough volunteers, particularly when corresponding with a person who has offered to volunteer in the past and been turned down.
Bottom line is, in court, the parents of the child who got hurt on the playground don't care if there weren't enough volunteers, Matthew Danzuso was in charge of the committee covering the playground, or "we were between maintenance men", the answer another citizen received when informing the Mayor of the playground being broken months earlier.

The attitude shines through a bit in this line: 
"As I stated yesterday, Lindsay, it will be taken care of."
Perhaps this is just an example of how one needs to be careful with written word rather than spoken because tone doesn't come out clearly in text, but I think the "as I stated yesterday" starts it off with her tone intended.. 
The bee problem has been a problem for years, and I have yet to hear much discussion of it in the Community Building.

Condom is not spelled condum, but we can let that one slide, I think.

The discussion of using the Minerva Park server e-mail is unnecessary in my opinion. We're told as citizens to let her know whenever we need something, at one point Lindsey was given her e-mail that she used to contact her, if Lynn wants it forwarded to that, she could use a forwarding service -or- at least take care of the playground issue, report when it's done and thank the citizen for their concern and interest, and if you want more volunteers, be a little bit more sincere and don't treat them like you have in the first place. I doubt that Lindsey is going to be e-mailing Lynn much more, either on the Minerva Park e-mail or her home one, so including that was somewhat pointless, though we're getting into opinions here.