Monday, November 4, 2013

Vote November 5th

No matter who or what you are voting for this election, don't forget to go vote tomorrow!

Minerva Park residents vote at the Minerva Park Community Building.

Ohio Revised Code requires that no loitering or campaigning be performed within 100 feet of a polling place, or if the queue for said polling place extends past 100 feet, campaigning may not be done within 10 feet of the line.


The 100 feet is to be marked by small flags of the United States.

In the case of the MP Community Building, 100 feet is about the distance between the entrance of the building and the opposite side of the street on Minerva Lake Road.


  1. For Member of Council - Village of Minerva Park
    1 of 1 Precincts Reporting
    Name Party Absentee Nov5 Votes Total
    John Michels NON 21 290 311
    Edward B. Detwiler NON 18 278 296
    Jennifer G. Pauken NON 17 240 257
    Pamela Park-Curry NON 16 226 242
    Tony Benedetti NON 15 176 191
    Roberto Segovia NON 13 135 148

    And with that, I think the people have spoken!!

  2. Well the people might have spoken but look at the numbers. Everyone except 2 beet Pam Park-Curry and yet she is the President. Time to go Pam! I am sure that Finster f 'you know what i mean' wrote this! Maybe you will be next! I am taking bets who is going to quit first??? show me the $$$$ giving the odes$$$

    1. Oh look at you, trying to make lemonade out of lemons.

    2. Let me translate: "Even though the numbers aren't at all reflective of how I think things are working, I'll go ahead and pretend they are because I'm a human being over the age of four who for some reason takes everything personally and has a very tenuous grip on reality."

    3. "show me the $$$$ giving the odes$$$"

      Is this sentence in English?

  3. The last election Tony could be heard bragging about coming in 4th. He must have been pretty proud of that. Are you proud now Tony?

    1. In the last election I got 158 votes, this time I got 191. I sure am proud of that. I wonder how many votes you would get Mr. Anonymous?

      Thanks to those people who did vote for me, sorry I brought so much baggage with me. In 2 years I hope the third times a charm.

    2. Hmmmmm. Sounds like a challenge to me. Maybe I should run in 2015.

    3. TB,
      I hate to rain on your parade, but you actually did worse this time. By the percentages, you got 15% in 2011, but only 13% this time. Your numerator was higher, but so was the denominator. Apples to apples, you did worse. Sorry, brah.

    4. You're not very good in math brah, There were more candidates this time around. Each candidate got fewer votes.
      TB will get more chances as the council members start to quit one they learn about Lynn.
      That's how they roll brah.

    5. Oh! Oh! I want to learn about Lynn! Please dish! I bet this is good and juicy, rock solid stuff you've got on her! I bet too that it's ironclad and wont be a mumbled listing of one six year old edition of the Villager that has absolutely nothing like evidence in it followed up by a "Uh, you've got to talk to Tony Benedetti about how all this stuff fits together cause I sure don't know myself!" statement. Ooh I'm so excited! Ok, I'm all ears! I'll let you start... now!

    6. There were six candidates for two village council seats in 2011, the same number as this year. This is from memory so I may be wrong in the order (highest to lowest votes) of the 2011 candidates: Todd Walter, Dave Way, Jessica Rhoads, Tony Benedetti, Kent Stanley, and Charles Legg.

    7. Sorry brah, but 13% < 15%. TB lost 2% from 2011. There's no debating simple math. Go to your boss and tell him your productivity will be 2% worse next year and when he gets mad, tell him he's bad at math...then wait for the pink slip, brah.

    8. In 2011 about 650 people voted, 158 is 24% of the people that voted.
      This time 389 people voted, 191 is 49% of the people that voted.That's the way you should look at the elections. Nearly half the people supported me.

    9. Not how election math works, brah. Denominator is total votes cast...not total voters...but feel free to keep running. It's your right. Of course...what do they say about doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result...?

    10. That's why you will be paying more in taxes next year, BECAUSE the results are the same. Enjoy that safety levy on the ballot next go round. Had Lynn not made Blendon made, the village would be paid from Blendon for medic services. Her ego ruined that. That awesome Chief with the expertise with budgets has done wonders. Fire all of your officers or force them to retire and you save money, yet she still needs more money?

    11. I'm not sure where you learned election math but, the total number of votes doesn't tell you anything. Some people may not have voted for 4 people. 389 people voted John got 80%, Ed 75%, Jenn 65%, Pam 62%,Tony 49%, Roberto 38%

      Maybe you didn't know that each person can vote for 4 people.If we had 1 vote your election math would work, but that wasn't the case, brah.

    12. Hi Tony! So I curious... in your campaign the colsest thing to an actual qualification you offered was that you'd only missed 2 council meetings.. but I couldn't help but notice you arrived late and left early last night.... So is that a regular thing? and if it is maybe next time around you should report maybe a percent of total council meeting time you attended.. might be a more valid stat.. and you did just show us how good you are with percents.

  4. Good news, "" fans! The people you like least have been elected to council! Many more years to wallow in conspiracy and to give free reign to a grossly immature persecution complex! You get to keep playing victims! Don't lie, deep down you know you're excited.

    1. To -Anonymous November 6, 2013 at 12:22:00 AM EST-
      Your comments are of little value and are geared more towards being immature gloating, and maybe should be removed. It looks to be a very small turn out which favors those that campaigned and shows those that campaigned did not get support from maybe two thirds of those registered. Seems to show this village is ran by few and that is apathetic.

    2. Let me get something straight, friend, I've taken and am taking no side. I don't care who won or who lost. I'm nobody's partisan.

      I saw this blog being advertised in what I assume was Jessica's yard and came here out of genuine curiosity to see another side. What I've seen here is an unchecked persecution complex and wildly childish behavior that will solve nothing and convince no one. And I think everybody knows that. So all I'm doing is calling it like I see it. People feed off the notion that they're victims. That's all that's happening here. Nothing productive in any way shape or form.

      So take that for what it's worth and learn from it. Somebody who is basically outside this silly "game" has come here, seen this, and felt shame that this is my neighborhood.

    3. The comments posted -Anonymous November 6, 2013 at 12:22:00 AM EST- are geared more towards being immature gloating. Nothing in it indicates a partisan notion whatsoever, much less anything productive.

    4. This ENTIRE BLOG is geared more towards immature gloating, name calling, and mud slinging. I mean, I understand you want one comment stricken because it goes against the nice little hive mind you've got going here, but to single out one post when it's just following the example of all others is pretty pointless. Unless we need more space for "Hurr durr this one dude in the village can't get no job!" posts and "Lookey here y'all, that ol' mayor got a FISH in her name herp derp!" insults.

  5. "Immature gloating?" Hmmmm...kinda like the pot calling the kettle black, aren't we? The people on here choosing to bash the character of others by attacking their families isn't immature? It is a real relief to see that we will only have to hear this crap on this worthless site, and not during council. Because the people in there now won't tolerate the rambling of Benedetti. His ONLY supporter on council lost. So sad....too bad!!! I am not above gloating because the voters could see who the criminals trying to get into office were, who their supporters were on this site and the lengths they were willing to go to get their candidates into office. You all got what you deserved and we all know who you are, so good luck on getting the support again in a few years because the whole village can see how you all act...especially you, Jessica.

    1. What family was attacked? That's horrible. What was said to attack ones family? Or is this post above Matt Fenstermaker wanting sympathy? Booo hooo. Mr. I supervise no one. Mr. No one likes me because I am a tool.

    2. This post is a gem. "Who was attacked? Was it that JERK MATT WHICH I HATE AND WHO IS WORTHLESS?"

  6. Ya'll disapoint me.. i was expecting way more hectoring this morning. :(

  7. I am positive the post at 5:51 am was Matt why you bashing Jessica. She has done nothing to you sounds to me like a threat. Come on Matt come out of your shallow shell. I would like to get you off duty.
    Maybe instead of toys for tots We should Have Box a dirty cop for tots

  8. It will be nice when we go belly up and Blendon Twp. Takes over!! NO more TROUT and the rest of her goons! Then Matt will be gone he might be able to get a job at Speedway or he could go with the TROUT and file books.

    1. Oh snap! Duck and cover y'all, somebody whipped out the "mayor works as a librarian" insult. You ain't even playin' with sledgehammers like that, son!

  9. Could I get a retelling of this no doubt enormous backstory as to why the Mayor, Council, and whoever "Matt" is are worth so much childish ire? Which family members of yours did they kill? Or did one of them cut in front of Segovia in the "Doughnuts with the Mayor" line one morning and its been a blood feud ever since?

    1. None are worth childish ire and that is more a side effect of open blogs and that is all part of the freedom of speech in this great country. Seems there are enough that have negative comments towards this blog that take the time to use it to bash it. Apparently some people cannot distinguish the difference and try to label all. Of course what it seems these people maybe want only speech they agree with or control, which means it is not a freedom, and that reminds me of how the mayor and council are as a whole. You can hear some of them drone on forever about minutia at the various meetings yet less than ten minutes a month as a whole is what they have to listen a citizen at public meetings. The notification of residents paying for trash is very representative of their communication of important information to residents.

      'Matt' is probably the officer that has applied to other departments for years and has yet to be hired by any, and I expect at least some places have good reasons. You can verify where through public records request to surrounding communities and I am sure some cannot say he passed the psychological portion. He also testified during the Gross hearing that it is ok for police to lie and you can verify that, and maybe one reason why he seems to be lacking FOP support.

      No idea what the "Doughnuts with the Mayor line" is about and who you think is in it or why anyone would want to be in it or why such a comment was made. Is this your childish ire?

    2. Oh wait, this is all about Gross isn't it? Is he somebody's buddy and so we've got our dander and persecution complex up for years-on-end because he got caught and punished?

      Sorry, the "dougnuts with the mayor line" was a pretty sick burn. Maybe you read it wrong?

    3. What did Gross do? Did he take Matt's doughnuts?

    4. "Charges included insubordination, untruthfulness, conduct unbecoming" as well as what appear to be other minor conduct violations. That's at least what's represented in the Findings of Fact I could find here:

      Holy crap! Look at that guys! A link! A document backing up a statement! Bizarre! I mean, usually we either handwave away requests for proof or mumble something about "Tony Benedetti's got it stuffed in a shoebox somewhere along with a bunch of Hobo's Pizza receipts" so you can see why this is an exciting event.

      Your standards for documentation and record, too, don't even make sense. In one breath you'll bemoan the "average" villager, and shake your head saying "They only get their news by reading the Villager! How can they know what's going on?" Then in the next breath, when asked for proof, all any of you can must is a half-snorted "Check the Villager!"

      So far the only crime Matt and the Mayor committed I can find proof of here is "they hurt my feelings."

      Here's the sad truth: In about a day or so this is going to get boring and I'm going to forget all about this. The weekend will show up and I'll merrily move on with my life. Meanwhile, most everyone else who frequents the comment space of this blog will hold on tight to the hard little balls of hate they've been harboring for what's become years now. How do you guys have the energy for this? You're clearly not fighting for some greater good. Your interest, deep down, doesn't seem to have anything to do with the village. This is pure personal vendetta and for what reason I'm thankfully too far removed from the gossip mills of the village to know.

    5. Ohh snap! Documents from a police chief with honesty issues and Matt that says under oath that police officers are allowed to lie? Gotta be true then huh? Does that include the documents that Fenstermaker placed in officer Gross's file that were shredded by the acting chief? The proof that his attorney proved inaccurate. The same proof that even council didn't agree with. That's why hey was reinstated.
      Yes, the villager wasn't always unfair and biased.
      Don't suppose you looked up the Nuesse decision?
      Didn't think so.

    6. Look at you backing up all this with documentation! Oh wait...

    7. If you aren't intellegent enough to look it up, that's not my problem. Do you need someone to hold your hand and help u find the documents? Its all public record.

  10. Matt a dirty cop the fop kicked him out. He has gotten all his co workers fired or they left because of him. He planted material in co workers files that he was told to disregard. Matt said under oath That is was ok for cops to lie. The Mayor. Where would one start? All i can say is she commented Purger y. The TROUT does not tell the truth. She lives by her own rules and if you cross her there will be hell to pay. She lives in a glass house. The woman needs to go! She has ruin the Village

    1. Well this stuff about Matt sounds pretty serious! And I'm sure it's not just hearsay or rumors passed around the village, so could you provide proof? Same thing with the Mayor. Perjury is serious business. Especially when done by a sitting mayor. That would be big news, so I'm sure you've got a few links or news stories lying around to serve as proof, right?

      Also, "TROUT"? Because the word "trout" is in her name? Seriously, are you eight years old? Do you realize how absolutely childish and ignorant this makes you look?

    2. To the person posting as anonymous Nov 6 at 9:03 pm,
      If someone needs to explain everything and provide al of this proof you require, you obviously don't live here in the village. What "proof" do you need to prove what? Please take time and read the last 2 years worth of this blog. That should tell you about this Matt and Trout issues. Then do some research on your own. You could ask Matt yourself but he is refusing to speak. As for the trout, she probably "Won't recall".

    3. Oh, so no proof. Got it.

    4. To the posting Anonymous November 6, 2013 at 9:03:00 PM EST
      The perjury is likely based on what was reporetd in past Villager news letters and testimony during the Gross hearing. Both of which you can obtain if you are really interested in proof without reliance upon anyone else. I am sure the past police chief and our rep to the Ohio House at the time would be more than willing to backup what was reported in the villager and doubt they have reason to hide anything about what was reported then.

    5. I too remember the "Mayor Commits Perjury" headline in the Villager. I think it was right after another "wine and cheese night" notice.

  11. Speaking of getting what you deserve.... How's the job search Matt? Donatoes is hiring AND offer benifits unlike the village.

  12. Ah this is more like it... a simple post about commenting policies has devolved into name calling "Herp Derps" And Mattbating. With the amount of time and attention YA'll spent on Matt F I'd think you have a serious crush on the dude. He must be cute.

    1. I just hope that the dark, evil cabal on council sends me my check for so rigorously defending their vile machinations on this site. Lynn might forget to mail it though because she's so busy swimming upstream. Ha ha! Get it? That's because she's got the word "trout" in her name. It's a fish joke, you see.

    2. I don't get it.. is it salmon that are famous for swimming upstream?

    3. Trout also swim upstream. You'd know that if you had read my exhaustive four part special on trout, beginning in the April 2009 Villager.

    4. I just pulled out my April 2009 Villager but I didn't see any fish articles... I guess that's the last time i trust a nameless source on the internet.

    5. Try August 07 villager. Then read her testimony at Gross's appeal hearing. Mr. Benedetti can explain what she testified to under oath. The trout can't help because she can't recall. Prolly needs checked fir Alzheimers.

    6. Tony Benedetti has replaced the justice system? Was she convicted of perjury, or did she only say something this little association of village busybodies disagreed with?

    7. "I guess that's the last time i trust a nameless source on the internet." Not as long as you keep reading, it isn't.

  13. I just had to be the 42nd comment... It's a OCD kind of thing for me. thank you DNA!

  14. If you dont like what you see hear why do you keep coming back?
    The person who is looking for info on the mayor and her not telling the truth.If you put your name on your post i will be more then happy to give you all that info.

    1. Don't get me wrong. I don't exactly dislike what I see here. I mean, I came here originally out of genuine interest. Now I'm just sticking around because, honestly, most of you are hilariously over the top in your spite. But have no fear. I think I've pretty much squeezed all the laughter out of the paranoid zeitgeist of this place, so you can all return to your uninterrupted hand-wringing and name-calling soon enough.

      Look, if the most important thing here is to get information out so the truth of misdeeds can be heard then all of you would jump at the chance to lay things out plainly, over and over again. But you can't. In fact you respond to any request to do so with outright hostility. That's because nothing substantive is there and you know it. Rule number one of any goofball ingroup like this is to hate those who must be hated with all your energy, no questions asked. Anyone who does ask a question is an outsider and part of the problem.

      Also, saying you'll only lay things out if I'll give away my name? Come on, man. This is dippily transparent. You know I wont, so it gives you the opportunity to do two things: 1) withhold information which, lucky for you, doesn’t exist in the first place and 2) shift the discussion to “Well hey now! This here ay-non-ee-muss user don’t want to share no personal information! What’s they got to hide, y’all?”

      I'll say it one last time: I don't know how you people can hold on so tightly to this much ravenous hate. Seriously. It's not healthy. You've taken all the he-said-she-said feuding of a small town, or the hair-pulling drama of a group of 15 year old girls, and shoved it into one little urban enclave. That’s a two for one. Well done.

  15. Thanks for your winded bull shit Matt, Or maybe this is his lovely bride?? lol You will fig. him out and then you will agree! lol

    1. She would prolly file for divorce but the first wife already took it all. Including his testicles.

  16. Hahaha. That's funny. Bride number 2 will see that he doesn't even see his own kids and is a dueshe. She will leave him just like the first.
    Of he writes you a citation, have it transferred downtown to mini court. You will win every time because he says police officers are allowed to lie and Nuesse has been proven on a court of law to be dishonest.

    1. I'm with you right up until you made this word up.. "dueshe"

  17. Wow Matt, peeps on here calling you out and bringing up your family. Ain't you gonna defend your self? I'm sure your own officers don't even like you. Or mom for that matter. Everyone would throw you under the bus if they didn't think you secretly audio / video taping them. Leave our village and take the Mayor and Chief with you. Beirmn and Pam Park Curry can go with you.

  18. Alright, while I'm not saying I don't agree with some of the statements made....a lot of these comments aren't really getting anywhere.

    They have turned bashing, and the integrity of this blog is being jeopardized.

    I wanted a place for everyone to share their thoughts and voice, however I had hoped it would be somewhat positive.

    I do realize that a lot of what people want to voice their opinion on is not positive, because this village has become corrupt in the way almost everything is done.

    Just try to keep it productive...if someone doesn't respond, that's their 5th amendment right.

    Remember that's yours too.

    - Jessica

    1. Jessica, maybe you can remove comments that are more on the counter productive side.

  19. Where did everyone go?
    I'm sure everyone will be back when the village so called leaders figure out how to put a tax levy on the ballot..hahahah.
    A safety levy as they will call it. A levy for police and ems. The village wouldn't need more money for ems if the mayor didn't tick off Blendon twp. They used to give the village money til the mayor and her big fat ego got in the way. Just remember, and money collected in taxes go to the general fund and NOT a police levy. That means the mayor can spend it any way she wants.
    Pay raises for herself, village maintenance worker ( convicted criminal ) or police goons that say police are allowed to lie. You will probably continue to pay for trash and leaf pick up out of your own pockets.
    Til then.. I'm outta here. Peace!!!

  20. I agree with you! She is going to price people right out of there house.

  21. Where are the Police? Is it just me or have our police disappeared? I don't see them on patrol like I used to. Our tax dollars pay for police coverage yet I never see any driving around. I can NOT support an income tax increase when our village is being mismanaged. Officer Fenstermaker... You need to find another line of work.
    Jessica, I miss your updates. I hope you continue your blog.

  22. I have seen the same lack of patrolling at times in the village so it is not just you. I have seen them more often with cars pulled over along 161 or Cleveland Ave outside the village which makes it seem like they are patrolling along the village boundaries more instead of inside the village. I heard that at one council meeting it was reported the county is covering some shifts due to budget constraints yet sometimes I have seen two out patrolling. When funds get tight I would think 24/7 coverage with at least one patrolling and backup when needed from other departments would be a primary way to manage. I also am not interested in more money being spent when what I see does not seem to make sense. I see voting NO on doubling the income tax as one way to reduce what is available to be mismanaged.

  23. Quick anonymous poll:
    How many of you are voting yes for our taxes to double?
    I vote NO.
    The village has been wasting our tax dollars long enough. Has the mayor volunteered to lessen her part time salary???

  24. Although the mayor had expected all council members to give up a 50/monthly payment, she had not volunteered to lessen her salary or any of $13,000+ in FULL PAID health benefits and related contributions she receives. Her reaction as described was one of how absurd she be asked to do so. As much as residents have complained about no leave pickup, the village just passed by emergency in this January council meeting authorizing payments to health benefits accounts which will likely total at least $14,000 which is on top of FULL PAID health benefits. It was at least the same as last year and sufficient to cover leaf pickup. It would not surprise me if the police chief alone costs the village $90,000+ in pay and benefits, and that together with the mayor's pay and benefits are likely over 10% of the budget for the general fund.
    That equals a NO vote for myself for our income tax to double.

  25. no leave pickup should be no leaf pickup

  26. It sounds like the levy is going to pass whether the residents pass it or not. Sounds VERY fishy to me. Sounds like she is spending money that the village doesn't have. Almost as if she knows the levy will pass... Hmmmm. Makes one think.

  27. The council repealed the 50% tax credit in July-2013. I dont even think the city has begun to receive the funds from the last time they doubled our income tax. Also when you add up the 2011 revenues and compare them to the 2013 revenues they are not that far apart. The document on the village website does not add them up for you.

  28. Funny how the article on channel 10's site says that if the levy PASSES, services MAY be restored. Not will be restored. That leaves the mayor and council more monies they can spend the way they want it. The mayor refuses to lessen her part time mayor salary and benifits. The residents will continue to pay for trash collection services from our own pockets and leaves will continue to not be picked up, yet our taxes will double. Its time we stand up to that bully in office.
    We dont need a full time police dept. Franklin County does a fine job and will continue to patrol the village.

  29. That 10TV news article says "The village also deferred funds to fix the dam and storm/sanitary sewer issues." Since when did the village ever appropriate funds for those items for any to be deferred? What storm/sanitary issues? There is some type of study mandated by the Ohio EPA from a few years ago that the village has put off doing when there were funds available to appropriate. Why did council pass emergency legislation in January to pay what is likely add up to $14,000 or more into health saving accounts when 100% of the health benefits are already being paid? Yet mayor Eisentrout states "the budget is already tight" and "police staffing was cut from full time to part time in January"? Sounds like it is simply poor decisions and management of funds and then the use of scare tactics to get voters to double the income tax they pay to the village.

  30. Since the 50% tax credit was eliminated starting July 2013, the village has likely not experienced the full benefit of the estimated 93,000 increase from that. It also has not been a full year of shifting the about 97,000 cost of trash pickup to the residents. That would make sense why the revenue numbers between 2011 and 2013 are not far apart and 2014 revenues should show more with a full year of that $190,000 additional burden now on taxpayers. It did not make sense to ask for income taxes to be doubled and add another $360,000 burden on taxpayers. Thank goodness enough people voted not to increase the burden on taxpayers to $450,000 in less than 1 year!!!

  31. Now that the levy has failed, the only thing left to cut is her salary. Perhaps the Chief and officers can take pay cuts. Franklin County deputies and Blendon Twp will continue to respond to calls for assistance. Perhaps the village should consider doing away with the police department and save the village funds. I'm glad the residents are fed up with tax increases and stood up to Eisentrouts scare tactics. Lets see what happens now.

  32. That would have been a tax burden increase of $550,000 in less than 1 year!!!

  33. I don't think "doing away with the police department" is a majority opinion of voters in the village. I'm no politician, but I do talk to my neighbors and that seems like an extreme view. I could be wrong. That is not a view I hold, but if it was, I'd write a letter to council to be sure they heard that opinion. How many letters requesting the police department be disbanded do you think they would get? 15-20? That and a 12 vote tax loss is not going to make them all of a sudden think that disbanding the police department is a good idea.

    But it's not just police; there's also code enforcement and other major projects (dam, lakes, etc) that need to be supported. The mayor could work for free (like most of Council?) and those monies would not come close to covering the costs of these projects. Now, things like code enforcement are going to take a back-seat and properties will continue to be neglected without consequence. What good is a low income tax rate if my property taxes are hurt by lesser policing and neglected properties?

    Turnout for this was very low (fear of snow?). With better weather and higher turnout during a major election, this could've easily gone a different way.

  34. I agree with you, however the police department does consume a lot of the budget. If they were to dissolve, the village would still be patrolled by other agencies. I guess one would have to weigh the pros and cons of not having a PD. I think everyone I'd afraid that the crime rate would go up and I dont think that way at all. The village could contract to Franklin County and they could have a deputy assigned to Minerva Park. They have the resources and could do it cheaper than the way its done now. Just something to think about. Other projects could then be done to the village to beautify and help increase our property values. Its not as bad as it sounds. We have got to do something. The current situation is not going to improve on its own.

    1. "The village could contract to Franklin County and they could have a deputy assigned to Minerva Park. They have the resources and could do it cheaper than the way its done now."

      I'm not sure this is true, assuming taxpayers want 24/7 police coverage. Based on the info provided on the website, 24/7 coverage would be more expensive to outsource. I tend to agree, especially because of the union presence at outside agencies.

      Correct me if I'm wrong, but what I think you're recommending is outsourcing police coverage for less cost, and that coverage would not necessarily be 24/7. If this is something residents want, then we need to make that known to Council, via letters, petitions, phone calls. Whatever. It's my understanding that Council wants 24/7 coverage, because that's what they think residents want. If that isn't true, then more folks will need to speak up. I'm still thinking 24/7 is what residents want too, but I'm no expert on public opinion polling.

      Now, since we're talking public safety, what about Fire/EMS? Should they be disbanded and outsourced too? Would the savings be enough to then afford 24/7 police?

      The point I'm making is that unless the revenue picture changes soon, these will be the questions that will need to be asked, and we residents should be willing to provide constructive ideas on the services we'd like to have (police, EMS, garbage, leaf pickup, etc), as well as the services we'd be willing to trade away (same list applies).

      I'm just glad I get to play Monday morning quarterback!

    2. These are good questions that need to be looked into and discussed.
      The way it is now is that when Minerva Park PD. doesn't have enough officers to cover / patrol the village 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the chief asks the Sheriff's department to patrol the village and respond to calls for assistance when the village can't cover every shift because of budget restraints. The village is covered 24/7. By outsourcing police coverage, you are no longer buying and repairing cruisers, equipment, and other bills associated with the police department. Gas for cruisers, healthcare benifits, or paying the Sheriff's department for dispatch services. It would all be included in the contract with the Sheriff's department.
      The village would still have 24/7 coverage. Nothing would change except the color of the cruisers you see in the village.
      As for the EMS services, I'm not sure what it would cost but I'm no expert but ast time I checked, Minerva Park doesn't have a Fire truck so Columbus responds anyways. The EMS isnt 24/7 either so Columbus responds to the village quite often as it is. I have also heard that Blendo twp.used to give Minerva money for respondingvto calls for service in Blendon Twp but rumor had it, the Mayor and her ego ticked off Blendon and they no longer pay the village. This would need to be confirmed as it is not a fact that I know to be true.
      I would just like to see more residents take more action and not just sit back and allow the current administration to continue to run the village into the ground. Nothing we can do about a levy now until what, November at the earliest? Even if that passes, the village will not see an increase in revenue for a long time. Something needs to be done soon.

    3. Aside from the EMS vehicle, The cost of the village EMS service is maybe not as significant as what some think particularly in comparison to what it might cost to have full coverage from another area. Their pay is basically minimum wage and since they are now billing maybe there are more opportunities for them to staff at times to cover what might be busier times that generate revenue which cover their costs. That has been suggested to the administration and council more than once but seems to have fallen on deaf ears. The same deaf ears which have guided the village into the current financial situation. It is probably a little different story with the police department and increasing costs seems most likely especially since the current administration and council has stated more than once about how they need to be competitive. If having a competitive department is the direction then maybe another department such as Blendon providing coverage would be a more responsible financial direction instead of instead of competing. The fact is the village does not have a large enough base to compete in that manner even if the golf course is developed.

  35. All these are great ideas! But if any one goes to the council meetings These people have drank the cool aid. If the new council is like the last they do NOT want our constructive ideas. The problem is the mayor! I believe if we could get her out of office maybe someone could dig us out of this hole. She spends money on everything.

  36. I am so glad that others see the problem too. Sadly, the council memebrs were pretty much hand picked by the mayor so they may be part of the problem too. If a resident tries to criticize their policies or them or give constructive criticism, that resident coincidently will start getting code enforcement violations or a certain officer / supervisor will issue them citations and threaten to sue others that write blogs and voice their opinions. The problems are more than just the mayor. She is the gang leader and is the root of the problem. She needs to go but I do believe she still has a couple of years left on this term. Until then, we are stuck. The Police chief isn't any better. She was terminated from her previous employer as the chief of Sandusky pd because she has honesty issues. It was upheld in the court system. Does
    It all starts with Eisentrout. Does anyone have any ideas to get her to step down? Or impeach her? The state needs to audit the village finances to make sure our money is being spent correctly. I am listening.

  37. How do we get the State to look into this problem?? There has to be something going on.To many employes and council people have quit.I do know there has bee a few law suites against the park naming her also.

  38. I'm not sure exactly. Just a logical guess might be with the state auditors office. Maybe the prosecutors office could suggest the correct course of action. There has been a lot of employees that have been fired, quit or left for whatever reason. Council members Included. I would like to hear from those former council members and employeeson this blog. Hear their side. Anyone have any ideas?

  39. There's a lot of good ideas on here. why don't some of you show up to the council meeting tonight and raise them? I've been to a council meeting or two and there's almost never any one in the audience. Stop whining on the comments on this blog and go out and speak!

  40. I have seen residents speak out at meetings and then they are harassed by the mayor and police goons / officer Fenstermaker. They all of the sudden get code violations and traffic tickets. I would rather remain anonymous. The council has been part of the problem for a few years now. So I chose to voice my concerns to the public through this forum where I can voice my thoughts and opinions without fear of retaliation. Probably the same reason you posted as anonymous.

  41. When you go to a meeting and you ask them questions they almost never answer any thing. They just get that stupid look on there faces. Like how dare you question us?

  42. Well.... The direction the mayor has led the village, she and council won't be a problem much longer.The village is very quickly running out of money. Tony Benedetti has been telling council this fir years but everyone said he was the bad guy and refused to listen to him. He might not say" I told you so", but I will. Tony told you so. What is the village going to do now? We deserve answers. Lynn Eisentrout..... What's next? How are you going to increase revenue to help restore services? Are you outsourcing our Police and EMS? What about leaf and trash services? Quit stalling and avoiding our questions. We pay your $30,000 + full benifits. Not too shabby for a part time mayor of 1300 residents.

  43. I keep hearing about the need for more revenue but I have doubts the best decisions have been made regarding current spending as well as past spending. That seems evident with just one item such as the emergency passing of legislation "2014-2 - Health Insurance 2014" to pay up to $4000 for each covered person into an HSA on top of paying all health benefit premuims. The current administration and council talk about having a lean budget and how it compares to previous years, and how police staffing cuts have reduced from 24/7 coverage and more of the same if the income tax levy did not pass, so why is one of the first things done this year before seeing what happened with the tax levy an action of maintaining past spending behavior instead of holding off or cutting? The current financial situation did not happen overnight or a few months, just as major projects like the lakes and dam mentioned as reasons to support a tax increase did not. A budget of some type created by council member Pam Curry last year to spend a 1% increase of the income tax that was passed out at the last coffee with council included 10,000 for the dam and nothing for the north lake, and nothing additional for police personnel. Hard telling how people bought the talk of needing an increase for projects such as those and voted for it. Some say something needs to be done now and soon but something needed to be done a few years ago and it was not. The best opportunity to effect change might be in a couple years when the chance to replace some of the people making these past decisions comes up in 2015. In the mean time hopefully some changes will be made since the best choice should be to focus on making cuts instead of talk of how more revenue is needed.

    By the way, an audit is primarily to make sure money was spent 'properly' such as it was appropriated which does not mean it was spent in the best manner. Of course the last audits at the least failed to uncover proper accounting for payment of taxes withheld and payments made to OPERS, and since it is the same firm doing the audit this year I would be skeptical of any improvement.

  44. What cuts can be made? I agree, the village needs to make more cuts but where can the cuts be made? Eliminate more police officers and have Franklin County patrol the village more? EMS isn't really a financial burden as of yet. Just not sure where cuts can be made other than the police department as they use up most of the buget. Any ideas? Anyone?

  45. One would be. Why pay for all the insurance cost for the employes. The Mayor is a part time job but she gets full coverage.She also gets money in a health savings account.So do all the full time employes. The days of having your employer pay the entire amount are gone. For part time employes for sure. The Mayor.. That is one example. It was not long ago the Village was paying for food at the carriage rides. This problem did not accrue over night. In addition, it's my understanding that there is a road assessment in process, to review MP streets. Who is paying for this? What is the ultimate purpose? And what is MP going to do with the information? (grapevine is that some MP officials/residents don't want cars parked on the streets. ever- What??????)

  46. Has anyone asked what the purpose of the road assessment is for at a council meeting? I am sure you will get the run around and they will not answer the question. That's been how they have operated for years. Sounds like more wasteful spending. Seems like there are more important things going on than to worry about cars parking on the street. I am worried that the village is going broke and there is nothing we can do about it. The mayor and council have spent a great deal of time and Im sure money too trying to buy the golf course. The residents need to take back the village from Lynn Eisentrout.

  47. The road assessment was in relation to legislation to repeal some sections of legislation felt to be outdated and according to meeting minutes was requested by the police chief to see if the streets are wide enough for parking on one or both sides. A cost of over $1,000 was mentioned which in my opinion seems questionable as money being well spent. Cars parked on the street happens often and not allowing would likely be an inconvenience to several residents, and would eventually likely drive down the market value of homes in the village. There have been at least a couple residents that have complained about cars being parked on the street and parked overnight. The street parking does not seem unreasonable given that many driveways in the village are single lanes and just seems to be another example of village resources spent catering to a few.

    Maybe more interesting is a contractor at one of the recent meetings mentioned they did not feel the current roads were sufficient to support additional traffic from the proposed development. Given the concern raised to want a road assessment, what in the heck does the village think will happen if a new development is built.

  48. If it's not broken, don't fix it. The police Chief needs to run her dept. And quit wasting village funds. She can't get officers to WANT to work for Minerva Park because of her reputation in the area.
    There is enough room for parking on one side of each street. There are signs posted to allow this. I agree. Housing values will decline if people are not allowed to park in the street. Who wants to shuffle cars in a drive way all of the time? Another reason I refuse to vote for ANY levy as long as Eisentrout is mayor and that half truth Chief is employed by Minerva Park.
