Sunday, September 22, 2013

A Candidate Has Been Removed

For those of you who weren't aware of the policing that Sharon Bierman does each election, I'd like to enlighten you.

There is a history of Sharon's involvement in getting candidates that are of a different agenda off of the Minerva Park ballot. She reviews the pubic records of the candidates that she chooses and if there is the slightest fault in how they are completed, she files a protest to have their candidacy removed.

This year, Russell Dobbins fell prey to her protest.

The statute that relates is:

R.C. 3513.09 If the petition required by section 3513.07 of the Revised Code to be filed with a declaration of candidacy consists of more than one separate petition paper, the declaration of candidacy of the candidate named need be signed by the candidate, or of an attorney in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, on only one of such separate petition papers, but the declaration of candidacy so signed shall be copied on each other separate petition paper before the signature of electors are placed on it.

Sharon reviewed Russell's petition and found that because he signed and dated after 11 of the signatures were gathered, rather than before, the 11 signatures were not applicable. 

Her letter of protest is found below, with names and address numbers redacted:

Sharon must be familiar with all the loopholes in improper petition filing. She's also probably appalled that Council didn't get the necessary paperwork filed on time to have the income tax increase on the ballot this November. The mayor plays it off as "saving us money" because it supposedly costs less to run in a spring election...but that wasn't their original intent based on what was presented in council meetings.

This has happened before to Tony Benedetti's petitions, where Sharon Bierman has protested and gotten him removed from the ballot. I wonder if she and her pals have always filled out their petitions immaculately?

In speaking with Russell, who continues to encourage I participate more actively in all aspects of the community, he says:
"The thing to remember is that you may make a change by participating, but you will never make a change on the outside looking in."

Shame we can't vote for him this fall, thanks to someone who resigned from her position on council months ago.

If it's insulting, it's because the truth is something she shouldn't be proud of.


  1. The petition gathering process is an exercise in following directions and is helpful in weeding out candidates who are unable to dot their Is and cross their Ts. The board of elections agreed with the was the board's decision to remove the candidate. Sharon was merely articulating the facts....with which the board agreed. Next time, the candidate should pay closer attention to the is expected of any who seek office.

  2. The Board of Elections petition process is meant to verify that the voters of a municipality would like to see a certain individual on the ballot, it has nothing to do with "weeding out candidates" . The Board of Elections can and did certify petitions that may not be done by the rules. It wasn't until Sharon complained to the B.O.E. that the date that Russel declared his candidacy was after the date that some people signed his petition, that he was removed from the ballot.

    What happened to Russel shows that the small group of people that have taken over the Village will do whatever they can to " weed out " the people they don't want on Council instead of letting ALL of the residents decide.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Please remove this trash

  5. The above has been removed due to the request. Please see comment policies here:

    I have retained documentation of this comment should the need arise.

    -Jessica Rhoads

  6. If you think a candidate "making it" to the ballot indicates they can read and follow directions well, apparently you haven't been paying very much attention to how poorly Minerva Park elected officials do in those categories.


    1. Jessica,
      You've stated a couple times here in your blog that the truth isn't insulting... but this statement implies that elected officials in Minerva Park are illiterate. I've not seen any evidence of that... and I'm sure you could see how that could be insulting. Maybe if you can stick to truths (facts) and keep your tone civil you'd be heard by more people in the village.

    2. To
      She maintains a civil tone and maybe sometimes the truth is what makes things not sound so good. When the clerk/treasurer was hired as a temporary fiscal officer, she did not have the required workers comp and liability insurance as specified in a written contract. It was blatantly ignored by the village until a public record request was made, and then the workers comp insurance was obtained. A copy of homeowner's insurance was provided but proof of applicable liability insurance was never supplied. You will not see any evidence if you are only looking with a blind eye.

  7. If it's insulting, it's because the truth is something one shouldn't be proud of.


    More truth at Franklin County Municipal Court website. Be an informed voter and vet the criminal history of your candidates. One really stands out as real winner.

  8. We have cop that is on the payroll that is dirty and every one knows who this is. The one that says it is OK to lie and the one who the FOP does not stand behind and he cant get a job any where else. But That is OK ? The mayor has committed purger y and has been known to have those same rabbits your referring to. So please mister cop dont throw stones when YOU live in a glass house. Oh or is that an apartment. You dont even live hear.

  9. There are those who want to change the status quo merely because they want change but not necessarily for the best outcome for their communities. The overwhelming majority of our residents do not attend the public meetings largely because they don't wish to be exposed to the outrageous behavior of a small number of persons who can't remain civil and instead, personally attack others during their opportunity to speak at those meetings. Unfortunately, the reason this is permitted to continue is based on an unwillingness by those in authority to maintain civility and order, so the vicious cycle will continue until the voters finally draw a line and say, "Enough," at the polls. The village of (insert name here) is little different from thousands of others across the country as each at some time in their past have experienced this same level of outrageous behavior by a few of their residents. The difference is that some communities have stopped this behavior in its tracks while the leadership of the village of (insert name here) has not chosen to do so. When a renter, meaning a person with no financial investment in the community, becomes a civic activist and is permitted to continue unabated to the detriment of the overwhelming majority of the rest of the community, it's the result of apathy of the residents and the lack of decisive leadership of its elected officials. Does anyone ever stop to consider why so many capable residents here at one time were a part of the administration and leadership, only to throw up their hands in frustration and no longer have any active role in community affairs? Take a look around you as they live all over the village. Now, if the moderator of this blog who is also not a property owner in the village chooses to delete this entry, that will tell at least one (me) the true character and nature of the moderator who has little justification to continue operating this medium since there is nothing to gain from it other than stirring the civic pot and continuing to foment hate and distrust among the members of our community.

    1. To
      While it may be true, I have yet to hear from one person that they do not attend public meetings largely because they don't wish to be exposed to the outrageous behavior of a small number of persons who can't remain civil and instead, personally attack others during their opportunity to speak at those meetings. I have heard from too many that they do not attend due to the uncivil behavior of those in authority. It is a shame you seem burdened with the distinction that a renter is not vested and that only a property owner is. Paying rent or income tax is also an investment, not to mention businesses that rent the commercial properties, and there are other aspects aside from being a property owner. Thank the moderator that you are able to take a load off and speak your mind.

  10. I'm failing to see the difference between a "renter" and home owner. A resident is a resident. They still have the same rights or supposed to have the same rights as every other residents. The leadership of the village appears to have a misunderstanding about what those rights are. Those in authority have a lawsuit pending because they "may" have violated someone's rights. Pending a courts decision. They should tread lightly when it comes to residents rights wether they rent or own.

  11. The people that rent are in better shape then those who own or still paying for there house! The leadership in the village have ran it into the ground. That is why were paying the tax's we do and our services our being taken away. What about taking some pay from the mayor and health benefits away for a part time job. At least when the walls come tumbling down the renters can move! So who are the smart ones. Yes i am a home owner and i see the writing on the wall! Thanks to the TROUT!!!

  12. Seriously? Look at this comment thread. Very little constructive commentary. Being able to comment anonymously gives people a sense of false bravado. Tony has his issues but at least he has enough guts to comment using his own name. Call me a hypocrite. I'm out of here. Bur just stop for a minute and look at yourselves.

  13. And look they forgot to put there name. Please look at yourself and shut up!

  14. It seems Sharon as with some current administration members are more interested in putting effort into dictating what they can being over zealous in making sure those they do not care for follow the rules to the letter. It was not filled out and filed as it should have been and that is how it goes. Too bad she was apparently lacking in this same oversight when it came to things like payroll to medics being done properly when she was on council, and who knows what else that was not done according to 'rules'.

  15. So, I come back to check and see whatever comments, if any, came of this post. Thanks to you, Jessica for putting this on your blog and saving me the postage.

    I'll start out by saying that I put the wrong date on the form. And while that may be a technicality, it is cause for removal from the ballot. Still, I'll always consider it bush league and a microcosm of what is wrong with Park politics. If this was Dublin or Westerville, I would expect the kind zealotry from someone who can't keep their nose out. I've done nothing against Sharon Bierman except disagree on her problem with people who rent as opposed to those who own, but she took it upon herself to decide for the voters. Now, Minerva Park doesn't get to decide.

    The board of Elections had already approved the petition and had placed me on the ballot. Please don't throw this responsibility at them. The only reason I was removed from the ballot was your petition for removal, Sharon. You need to own it.

    Would me putting the correct date on the form have changed my ability to serve this village? Is your life so boring that you have to resort to this type of activity to fill your day?

    Russell Dobbins

    1. I agree Russell, this action seem petty and this type of behavior was one of the magnitude of reasons I decided not to run in the election. When I ran the last time, Sharon hand-held me through the process to make sure my petition was filled out correctly, so obviously there is bias within this Village as to who are the right and wrong people who should run for elected positions. If you don't think that politics are rough and dirty, even in a small Village like ours, then you are living in a dream world. It's a shame, but it's true.
