Saturday, April 27, 2013

Golf Course Meeting

Reminder: the meeting is scheduled for tomorrow, April 28th at 4pm.

It will be at Hawthorne Elementary.

Bring any information you have and a dose of respect; the more civil these discussions can be the more all will be willing to listen.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Golf Course Meeting

According to The Villager that I received in today's mail, the meeting will be held April 28th at Hawthorne Elementary's Gymnasium (the cafeteria in my mind as a former student, but maybe they do mean the gym...?)

The meeting is scheduled from 4 pm to 6 pm.

Another Trash Ordinance, and Another Emergency

Well, they're at it again.

The following legisilation will be before council at the upcoming meeting, Monday, April 8th. (Starts at 7pm)
It is already outlined to have the three readings waived, and to be passed, as an emergency, on the 8th.

Most abrasive are these portions of the ordinance:
"No firm or corporation other than the Village or its authorized agent who holds a lawful contract with this Municipality shall collect, remove or transport garbage or refuse from single family residences within the Municipality."


"(a)    Whoever violates Section 1060.02 or pleas to a violation of Section 1060.02, or is convicted of a violation of Section 1060.02 shall be fined not more than fifty dollars ($50.00).  Each day’s continued violation shall constitute a separate offense. 

(b)   If a firm violates Section 1060.03 or enters a plea to a violation thereof, or who is found to be guilty of violation thereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree and fined not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000)." 

In other words, even though they just passed a resolution that you'll be the one paying for services, you can't elect to use another service for trash collection. Well, you can, it's just illegal in Minerva Park now, and you will be subject to a fine.

They defend being able to do this with ORC 715.43.
The ORC Section 715.43 says this:
"Any municipal corporation may provide for the collection and disposition of sewage, garbage, ashes, animal and vegetable refuse, dead animals, and animal offal, and may establish, maintain, and regulate plants for the disposal thereof.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953"

"Provide for"....does that include requiring residents not only pay for refuse collection but also that they pay the entity that Minerva Park chooses? It seems that is the way MP officials have interpreted it. History shows, however, that that MP officials interpret isn't always correct. In my experience, it is incorrect more often than not....but nobody does anything about it, so it doesn't matter. They have free rule over this village and nobody tries to stop them for very long. Now's the time to get involved. 

Now that they are requiring residents to pay out of pocket for something that used to come from our taxes, people are starting to pay more attention.

By the way, if you're one of the many calling Local Waste asking them why you're required to pay now and when your credit from your taxes is going to come back to's not. Don't ask them, ask the Mayor and Council, preferably in these "open meetings" they claim to be having.