Thursday, February 16, 2012

Who's In Charge?

I have heard it asked many times:

Who does the mayor answer to?

There has to be some agency that oversees our small village. There has to be a way to make sure our "leaders" are doing as they are supposed to, or somewhere to go when you are unhappy with something in a village system.

The State Attorney General's Office? That's the closest I get.
And at that point, what's at stake? Our incorporation? Do we become the next New Rome, Ohio if we complain? No one wants that (except perhaps a very boisterous audience member at the 2011 Candidate's Night).

The answer given to a resident who asked at Coffee with Council last year was: The Mayor. Or write a letter to the President of Council.

So if you have a problem with the way council or the mayor handles something, according to them the way to approach it is to write a letter to them. Once that doesn't work...I'm not sure what residents are supposed to do.



  1. Doesn't the mayor ultimately answer to the voters? If the voters do not like the mayor's performance shouldn't the vote reflect that opinion?

  2. Yes, I would think that would the case, but you must remember 75-80% of the residents have no clue what is going on in the village. I believe they are starting to see the light, but to little to late. She makes the Villager sound as if Minerva Park is this carefree place to live where everyone gets along, and as you can tell by these blogs that is far from the truth. The council does exactly what the Mayor tells them to do, so that's not an option. Ask for her resignation along with the chief, if they don't resign call six on your side. I'm sure they will get the answers you need. The village can't continue on this path of destruction.

  3. The first response isn't very realistic. Sure, the "voters" cast a vote at least on November 8th, but there has to be some process in the mean time for 4 years, because the mayor can't just take office and have unlimited power to do what they want, with the limited "checks and balances" system of Council vs. The Mayor. They're one and the same in MP.

    Particularly considering there aren't term limits on our offices, and voters aren't always enlightened before they cast their votes, there has to be somewhere to turn when the mayor (or council) is questioned.

    Other than just getting a recall. Which is a considerable option.

    There has been word of calling ABC6-on your side about our village, I have heard it myself from some residents who are concerned with the things in MP. Maybe it's time for someone to take that path.

  4. The way it's supposed to work is that the Mayor answers to the Village Council. But in Minerva Park, Council answers to the Mayor. To me this is why things are so bad in the Village. The Village is supposed to be run by the Village Council, a group of six people chosen by the voters. Council is the one that needs to take back control of the Village. I can't do any more than I'm already doing.

  5. The City of Columbus has had a democrat mayor and seven democrat council members for decades. When was the last time the citizens of Columbus were up in arms about their one sided government? The voters continue to support Mike Coleman and his cronies on council each election after another.

    I would like to see the 75 to 80 percent of the residents (915 to 976 residents out of 1221), who “have no clue” educated on the issues and show up at a Council meeting and express their displeasure with the way the Village is being run. That would certainly get the attention of Council, However I have only seen one resident consistently show up at meetings and voice their displeasure. That is less than .0008 percent of the Village residents.

    Candidates and residents had an opportunity to express their views at candidate’s night and at the town meeting at Hawthorn, yet the current Mayor won the election by almost 61 percent of the vote.

    Just because a select few residents do not like the decisions that are being made by the Mayor and Council, does not make those decision unlawful and grounds for an investigation or a recall. Life is not fair and politics is even less fair.

    I close with a paraphrased quote from the Bible; the resident without sin should cast the first stone.

    1. For a person that has complained in various comments about others attitudes that have posted on this blog, it would seem more reasonable that your postings such as this follow your paraphrased quote from the Bible. The percent .0008 you list based on the 1221 resident number you quote is also not accurate. It should be 0.0819% based on 1221 which is still a small percent but 100 times what you portrayed. You quote percent of votes for mayor and while there were about 1020 registered voters, only 657 actually cast a vote and 400 for the current mayor which indicates less than one third seem to have a positive view sufficient to have done that. It seems odd for one that acts self assured in comments seems to have some need to post comments being all knowing such as this that seem more designed to belittle or discount a person or their view.

    2. OK, I am guilty of incorrectly moving the decimal point a few places when I did the math; I was in a hurry, so I made a math mistake. My point that it is still a very small number be it .0008 or .0819.

      I am tired of hearing about all these disgruntled residents. Where are they? At Council meetings we are lucky to have two, maybe three residents and only one seems trouble by the Village Administration. When I spoke to residents during the campaign, almost everyone was happy with the way the Village was being run. Even the Marty supports just felt it was time for a mayoral change, but overall were relative happy. I ask again, where are the masses of disgruntled residents?

      I have gone far beyond any other Council member in trying to work on resolving the differences that exist between individuals within this Village. My patients is growing thin, especially when so many negative comments on this blog are by the same anonymous people who are too cowardly to use their real names, though most of us know who they are anyway.

      Once again, where are the masses of disgruntled residents?

    3. Charles I do appreciate you trying to help, and I'm sorry about all the crap your taking.

      From what you said above it sounds like you think I'm the only one upset with the Village. Just because people aren't complaining doesn't mean there isn't a problem. You know there are alot of people who are unhappy. What's the magic number for you, how many people have to complain before you think we have a problem.

      Charles you have asked what the Mayor has done that is unlawful. I wish you would look at O.R.C. 5104.054. You know I can prove that the Village broke this law. How many laws have to be broke before you think we have a problem.

      For you to say "life is not fair and politics is even less fair" has to be the most depressing thing I have ever heard from a Minerva Park Councilperson. It sounds like something Sharon Bierman would say.

      It's exactly what's wrong with the Village. Life is not fair and if you don't like it, take the Village to court. That's why the Village has a $9,000 budget for lawsuits. I can't wait to see how much Council spent last year.

    4. Tony I have read O.R.C. 5104.054 concerning Type B Daycare in residents, and I see your point, so if it was that clean that the Village broke State law when you had your daycare, why wasn't something done at that time?

      A magic number of residents, well I would expect it to be large enough that it would be difficult for the Village Council to ignore, maybe the same number that shows up for a Candidate's Night, certainly more than five or six residents.

      As far as the budged amount for lawsuits, all government entities set aside funds for such legal actions. The Village is no different. The lawsuits the Village has had are pretty typical for government agencies. It is what happens.

      And I am sorry you believe my statement about life and politics is depressing, but that does not make it not true, it's just a fact of life from the Nation level to the local level. I write letters to state and nationally elected officials, but ultimately they have the authority to do as they please. Maybe it is depressing, but still true.

    5. In reply to Charles Feb 21, 2012 08:49 AM

      It is a shame being on council such a short time and your patient is growing thin already. It seems if you are not caring for what you read on this blog the simple solution is to stop reading it. The whining about and name calling of people being too cowardly when they choose to remain anonymous does not really seem like a person that has gone beyond others in resolving differences. Actually all that seems to be quite the contrary and appears to be more of a self serving statement, and has absolutely nothing at all to do with making anything better. Maybe you can consider putting more effort into the substance of what is presented instead of focusing on whoever is presenting it. Resorting to name calling and other things as you have on more than one occasion is quite childish and disappointing for a person that seems to constantly flout their experience and education, yet not surprising.

  6. Voters did speak and they did not you and look what happen!

  7. Charles, I don't think it fair for you to conclude that the Mayor hasn't done anything "unlawful and grounds for an investigation or recall" when Council hasn't answered the questions that I gave them at last months meeting.

    You said that you felt I should be given an answer in writing yet some of the council member are hesitant to do that.

    Charles I have been ignored by Council for more than 3 years. Just because Council has a response to the question, doesn't mean they answered the question. that's why I put it in writing.

    I feel that at last months meeting the Village set a new low when they went through the entire meeting without saying anything about the letter I gave to Council.

    It doesn't matter what they do in Columbus. It doesn't matter how many residents chose not to participate. All you really did is one person who is willing to participate.

    Charles, how do you expect me to prove something unlawful is going on when Council won't put anything in writing.

    I have gotten a written response to question # 10. And at next month's Council meeting I will hope to explain how the Mayor and Code Enforcement Officer misunderstand the Village Codes. It's what I call violating someones civil rights.

    Charles if you want to help, get Council to answer the questions as soon as possible. The Mayor's campaign was based on "transparency", it would be nice to see that happen, here's the Mayor's chance.

  8. I meant all you need is someone who is willing to participate. The spell check doesn't help with real words.

  9. If there are true issues in the village that should be addressed, it would be a wise choice to have a different point person to get the answers to the questions that are being asked.

  10. I understand that the Mayor and Council can't be expected to know all the laws. This is why we hire a Law Director. Here's the problem our Law Director is incompetent. It's the Law Directors bad advise that finds the Village in one lawsuit after another.

    In 2010 the Village spent $37,000 on the Law Director ($7,000 to pay off 2009 bill and $30,000 for the contract amount) In 2011 the contract amount went up to $36,000 and for the first time ever, the Village budgeted money for the extra work ($9,000). I don't know how many lawsuits the Village has been through in the past. But it's my opinion that it's getting out of control.

    It may be true that life's not fair. But I'm going to do everything I can to make life fair in Minerva Park. It shouldn't matter who is complaining or how many people complain, wrong is wrong!

    1. Charles, I have presented 10 question to Council. Here is #11. The Village is required to get bids on Contracts that exceed $25,000. Why isn't this done for the Law Directors contract.

  11. Great job again to Jason on his OVI enforcement! Glad you were there when the last one took out a sign and crashed into a tree. You probably saved someone's life. Keep up the good work and don't let those haters in MP get you down!!

  12. What a great officer Jason is. I am so glad that he is out protecting us.
