Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Candidates Night

Candidates Night 
will be held at the 
Community Building 
Thursday October 13th at 7pm
Event sponsored by the MPCA
Those running in the election for Minerva Park voters are:
Minerva Park
Lynn Eisentrout
Marty Grosh
 Tony Benedetti
Charles Legg
Jessica Rhoads
Kent Stanley
Todd Walter
David Way

Blendon Township Trustee
James Welch
Liz Ward

Westerville Board of Education
Cindy Crowe
Carol French
Al Hammond
Peter Wilms


  1. I have tried to post a comment to the "According to our Code Enforcement Officer" Blog but it does not work. The website says I have posted and shows the post, but when I refresh the page, the comment is gone. Is something wrong with the website or am I banned from posting comments?

    Charles Legg

  2. I have tried to post a comment as Charles Legg to the "According to our Code Enforcement Officer" Blog but it does not work. The website says I have posted and shows the post, but when I refresh the page, the comment is gone. Is something wrong with the website or am I banned from posting comments?

    Charles Legg

  3. Charles,
    I too caught the posts being removed after they were posted. It seems they were being dumped in the "Spam" comments folder.
    I have marked them "Not Spam" and apologize for the mishap. Google seems to be ahead of itself in filtering today.

  4. I thought it was something technical and not you. You are a very reasonable and fair person. I see now that all my attempts have been posted, so if you will you can delete the redundant comments so I don't look like a idiot. If you are willing, can you send me your email address at You can delete this comment after you read.

    Charles Legg

  5. Looks like my comments got stuck in spam again.

    Charles Legg

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. I sent an e-mail to your above address and just now realized why it didn't go through; the extra www. in the address. I think it is resolved now and you should be hearing from me. Sorry about that! Comments were moved from spam to "not spam" again.
