Saturday, October 29, 2011

October 2011 Council Meeting Agenda

Below is the October 2011 Council Meeting Agenda.

At the October Council Meeting, Lieutenant Matthew Fenstermaker gave the report for the Police Department, he made mention of the golf course and mutual aid with other police departments to reduce vandalism.
Mike Flickinger was excused.
NCC- Lisa reported for Bob about the Rose's department store opening.

The rest of the meeting went on largely as presented in the agenda.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Campaign Materials

The 2011 Election is approaching quickly. For those who missed Meet the Candidates Night on October 13, or anyone interested in the campaign materials available at the event, copies appear below.

Sample Ballot

Candidates appear below in alphabetical order, grouped by position sought.
Mayor - Minerva Park

Lynn Eisentrout

Marty Grosh

Council Member - Minerva Park 
Tony Bendetti

Charles Legg

Jessica Rhoads

Kent Stanley

Todd Walter

David Way

Township Trustee - Blendon Township

Liz Ward

James Welch

Board of Education - Westerville City Schools

Cindy Crowe

Carol French & Peter Williams

Al Hammond

I don't seem to have any material from Al Hammond. His campaign website can be found here.

Thank you for your interest in the coming election! Please be sure to come out and vote on November 8th!

Information about absentee voting can be found here.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

2012 Rules of Council In Progress

The 2012 Rules of Council as presently being discussed are available on the Minerva Park website.

There are currently amendments shown in blue that highlight the changes from this year's rules.

Many changes are formality based such as transitioning from Clerk-Treasurer to Fiscal Officer. Some are more substantial involving citizen comments and terminology about abstentions and vacancies on council.

I encourage residents to review them and if you have any issues or suggestions contact your council representatives (contact information available on the MP website) or fill out your comment card before the next regular council meeting begins (November 14th, 7pm) and use your opportunity to share your thoughts.

Council is responsible for making decisions on behalf of the residents. Many of these decisions are about tasks that simply keep our village running, but some have more effect than others. Business items must be handled one way or another, but the manner in which they are handled should reflect the interest of the residents. If you are concerned, speak up. If you have suggestions, speak up. If you are listening, I encourage you to speak up and share your thoughts; council needs to know you care about what goes on in our village.

Zoning Codes Now Online

The ordinances pertaining to Planning and Zoning are now available online from the Minerva Park website.

The chapter can be found as a PDF at this direct link: which is found under Planning and Zoning, Overview on the Minerva Park website.

Planning and Zoning meetings are regularly scheduled for the first Thursday of each month at 7:30pm. More information can be found on the official Minerva Park website.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

According to our Code Enforcement Officer:

"The only interpretation that matters is mine. And that of the mayors court magistrate if I have to cite someone into court that fails to comply."

This is the response of our Code Enforcement Officer, Dave Hays, about the interpretation of the zoning codes. What do you think?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Candidates Night

Candidates Night 
will be held at the 
Community Building 
Thursday October 13th at 7pm
Event sponsored by the MPCA
Those running in the election for Minerva Park voters are:
Minerva Park
Lynn Eisentrout
Marty Grosh
 Tony Benedetti
Charles Legg
Jessica Rhoads
Kent Stanley
Todd Walter
David Way

Blendon Township Trustee
James Welch
Liz Ward

Westerville Board of Education
Cindy Crowe
Carol French
Al Hammond
Peter Wilms

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Posted as of 10/1/11
Notice of Special Council Meeting
For the purpose of hiring a Fiscal Officer (Resolution 2011-34) and any other matters that may properly come before the Council.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011 7:00pm
Posted as of 10/1/11
Notice of Special Council Meeting
Meeting a Fiscal Officer candidate and any other  matters that may properly come before the Council.
Monday October 3, 2011 7:00pm