Friday, December 7, 2012

My Experiences with Minerva Park Council, and Related Opinions

Disclaimer: The following is an opinion from things I have gathered through my experience with Minerva Park council. By all means, I encourage anyone reading this to gather their own experiences with Minerva Park. Give it a go. Try to remain unbiased, for the bias gathered here could put you on the list, or ruin your chances of a potentially harmless or maybe even pleasant encounter with Minerva Park affiliates. They don’t bite, that I know of. This is just a personal rendition of what I’ve learned and taken from my very educational experience in being involved in small-town politics and running for council. And why I’m not doing so anymore.


You can’t succeed in a game when all the cards are on the other side of the table. I spent over 15 months of my life dedicated to the game Minerva Park politics is playing, and I never held any cards, no matter how many times I was told to “go fish”. I followed the monthly meetings, work sessions, special meetings, and lawsuits as much as I could for as long as I could stand it. Then, I realized the amount of negativity that was brought into my life by my experiences with Minerva Park politics.
In my experience it doesn’t matter what you try to say to Minerva Park Council (and Mayor) or how much you try to work collectively with them, if they have decided you’re not “one of them” or have views that differ too much from their own, you will not be heard. Legislation may even be created to limit your attempts at being heard.

If you try to point out the inconsistencies in their practices, the hidden routes that legislation is passed in, or the blatant lies or instances where members “do not recall” something that was recorded on minutes that are now missing, you are ostracized; either by way of zoning enforcement that is not consistently applied throughout the village or inconsistencies in the enforcements of other ordinances by village officials.

Months ago, I decided to spend what little free time I have with things that bring positivity to my life. Among my involvement with council, I was going to school full time, being a full time, young mother, and beginning my career. It was time to let the games of council remain in council, not in my limited hours and using my limited energy left at the end of the day. I was surely not going to succeed, and it took me over 15 months to decide that perhaps Minerva Park council is not something I should be fighting for justice and truthfulness in. Especially at 21 years old.

I am at the beginning of my career, I have a young family to take care of, and in all honesty, I do not intend to raise that family in Minerva Park. It was a great place to grow up when I was doing so, before I knew about the political gamesmanship taking place in the same building where I saw Santa and dressed in costume for the Halloween candy party.

Now, I realize the raised costs Minerva Park residents are subject to for these “services” (those are sponsored by the MPCA, theoretically a separate entity from what our taxes go towards). I realize that for the $4,000+ per year in taxes, I am better suited in the actual City of Westerville.

These taxes in Westerville go towards the school system (something found alike in Minerva Park, piggybacking on the Westerville system), the Westerville Parks and Recreation Department, the numerous fire departments, an engineering department, and the list goes on. Westerville’s tax rate is roughly 15.8% of the annual property taxes paid, while Minerva Park’s rate is about 18.3%. That’s how we can afford the cans of spray paint to mark the potholes our engineering department has slated to fix. Oh wait….

This is getting away from the facts, perhaps because of the strong feelings I have. Most people who get involved with Minerva Park politics find themselves passionately devoted; regardless of what “side” they’re fighting for. I have removed myself from the MP scene because of the hopelessness I felt about being involved.

Entering those meetings and trying to speak your concerns about happenings is like slamming your hand in the car door. Every. Single. Month. Twice a month. I have heard this said many times. Now I understand why it is said. Depressingly enough, this was originally a first-impression from another MP resident who went to a council meeting.

Although, if you’re in the mood for some drama, and don’t have a lot invested in your freedoms and tax money, it’s better than prime-time TV on Monday nights. Just be prepared to answer the greeting you’ll receive: “And you are…??”

I wish everyone the best, really. Minerva Park is a nice neighborhood. There is a lot to offer. The politics, however, is bass-ackwards and run like a Kangaroo Court from my experience. Look at the lawsuit record for MP. Look at the facts (if you can find them...and consider the source. Even this one.). Maybe that's how "all" small town governments are, but it doesn't have to be that way, and the fact that it is in a village of 1,200 is despicable, and leads more than just myself to wonder if we are the next "New Rome". I hope not.

If you're angered by this, go write your own blog, censor your own "forum", or run for council. If you run, they'll probably pick you, you know, even if you don't get elected. And see the disclaimer. Anyone reading this is advised that these are personal opinions from first-hand experiences. I encourage all to have their own first-hand experiences. Lord knows we need more new faces in the community building; go ahead and try to see for yourself whose actions you agree with.

Back to my regularly scheduled life.


  1. This girl hit the nail on the head!! Could not be said any better!!

  2. It is a darn shame that your attempt to become involved resulted in a feeling of hopelessness and too much negativity being brought into your life. That is not how it should be for people trying to become involved yet is likely a strong indication why it seems so much apathy exists in the village for people becoming involved. I enjoyed what you shared on A Walk in The Park, miss the updates, and feel it has been beneficial in helping to bring topics into a conversation.

  3. Just in case anyone is looking at this blog I think it is important to point something out about the state of the Village.

    Last year the Village Council spent $ 180,000 more than they brought in. Now they have finally realized they can't continue spending money the way they have in the past. The first Budget they came up with for 2013 had a $ 300,000 deficit. After tweaking the numbers they have got it down to $ 135,000 that has to be cut out of the budget. If they are only able to cut $135,000 that would leave the Village with no cash reserves at the beginning of 2014.

    The proposed solutions to the problem; An income tax increase, making the residents pay for trash collection, no fall leaf pick-up, and closing the pool this year.

    Except for the pool, all of these solutions require the residents to pay more.
    One member of Council suggested not paying for dental and vision coverage for our Police Officers and that didn't go over very well, and was really the only cost cutting measure suggested.

    Nothing is final yet, but one thing is for sure, we can't continue to do things the way they have been done in the past if the Village is to survive.Now is the time to get involved, and make yourself heard before it's to late.

    I almost for got, and they want you to pay for a golf course too. When will the craziness end!
