Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Responses to Letter to Council via Tony Benedetti

In the January 2012 Council Meeting, Tony Benedetti addressed council and provided his concerns in writing.

A copy of this letter can be found at

The following are the responses he has received. Clicking on the images enlarges them, to make them legible.

Note the profuse disclaimers. Interesting. Either way, it's a start.


  1. No one will answerer questions All they do is pass the buck. Its almost like they don't know what there or just not telling the truth about!

    1. Pam and I did answer the questions. You may not agree with the answers, but we did our best to answer them.

      Your sentence "Its almost like they don't know what there or just not telling the truth about!” on the other hand makes absolutely no sense as written.

      Charles Legg

    2. Charles, I've been trying to get these and many other questions answered for years now. Both yours and Pam's answers were to ask somebody else for the answer. The thing that bothers me the most is that Council doesn't feel that they have to answer these questions "officially". The questions I'm asking aren't difficult, I feel they are the kinds of things that all the Council members should have a basic understanding of.

      Last month I explained to Council that I felt the Code said that you were not allowed to raise chickens in Minerva Park. I passed out a copy of the Code that I felt covered the issue. In your response you said you could have any kind of animal you want as long as it doesn't smell or make to much noise. After having looked at the things I gave you at the last Council meeting do you feel the Code enforcement Officers "interpretation" about whether you can raise chickens in Minerva Park is correct.

      The main point that I'm trying to make is that ALL of Council should be involved in these decisions, not just the Code Enforcement Officer and the P&Z Clerk. If anybody is to be interpreting the Codes it should be the 6 people on Council not 1 Code Enforcement Officer. That's why things are so messed up now, because Council has always relied on the Code Enforcement Officer to tell them what the Codes say instead of actually looking at the Codes themselves. That's why there is so much confusion now.

      Like I said at last months meeting, I'm tired of Government passing and enforcing laws that they have never read. There's not much I can do about the Federal government, so I'm going to see what I can do about the Minerva Park government.
