Saturday, December 31, 2011

Crime in Minerva Park

Word on the street has it there was a home invasion within our community in the past week. This serves as a reminder to be cautious and secure your home. I am sorry to hear of this, and don't have hard facts as to what really occurred, but apparently the family was home when the "break in" happened; sometime between 7 and 11 pm.

I would advise residents to lock their doors and keep outdoor lights on. A classic after-Christmas tip off for burglars is boxes outside from expensive Christmas gifts; be aware of this when disposing of your packaging.

In previous winters we have experienced minor vandalism within the park. On multiple occasions our vehicles have been opened and change was taken from the ashtrays. No one was hurt, but it goes to show a larger crime could easily occur. These were reported to the Mayor in the past, though there isn't much to be done about it other than increased patrolling, community awareness, and perhaps increased lighting.

In the instance in the past week, I heard about it through neighborly word of mouth, thanks to our police chief asking a neighbor to spread the word. Keep your neighbors aware, and be cautious throughout the winter.


  1. It was a burglary, not a home invasion. The suspects entered an unlocked door and took items when the residents were home. Thankfully, nobody was hurt. Please follow the recommendations that Jessica put up on here and help us out by calling 882-1223 if you see anyone that raises your suspicion, or a vehicle that is creeping through the neighborhood.

  2. And the chief wants to make this a part-time police department. With MP being surrounded by some not so nice areas it's just a matter of time before it gets out of hand. Now is the time Chief Nuesse to get a couple of full-time officers hired and trained, and do away with this part-time crap. Is it more important to you to save money or lives? I'm sure if you took a poll the residents would agree with me

  3. Where are you hearing that the PD is going to be part-time?

  4. Whoops !!!!!!!!!!!! I take it that you haven't been told, She wants only part-time officers to save money. Part-timers who haven't been trained is what she has been hiring. You watch, with-in 6 months, thats what her goal is. HEARD IT THRU THE GRAPE VINE. BE CAREFUL

    Resident from Erie County

  5. Read Sandusky Register under comments where Kim Nuesse's appeal was upheld .There are 86 or more comments and it talks about officers being fired and her wanting to go to a part-time police dept. in Minerva Park.

  6. Notice no one of authority wants to comment on the part-time status...........
