Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Nuissance Geese

Resident concern has been raised about the goose population in Minerva Park.

The Ohio Department of Natural Resources has some helpful information online about dealing with nuissance geese.

Nuisance Species

Harassment Techniques & Timeline

One primary message from ODNR related to goose populations is not to feed the geese. When geese become accustomed to being fed by humans not only do they lose their fear of humans and become more of a threat to us, they lack proper nutrition by supplementing their natural food source for carbohydrates.

If you personally have had a conflict with the Canadian Geese in Ohio you can make a conflict report online with ODNR.

The telephone number for ODNR Division of Wildlife in our district is 614-644-3925.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

If you come from the North on Cleveland Ave. or the West on Dublin-Granville Rd., the new traffic camera may be of interest to you.

The Dispatch published an article about the new red light camera installed at the corner of 161 and Cleveland Ave, which took effect Monday.

"Two more intersections will fall under the unblinking eye of red-light cameras on Monday.

Starting at 12:01 a.m. on Monday, Columbus will activate cameras at Brice Road and Scarborough Boulevard on the Far East Side and at Cleveland Avenue and E. Dublin-Granville Road on the North Side.

For the first 30 days, those caught running the light will receive a warning. After that, the fine is $95.

Crashes are common at both intersections, said Deputy Safety Director George Speaks, with an average of 45 crashes per year at Cleveland and E. Dublin-Granville and 39.7 per year at Brice and Scarborough.

“We have 15,000 intersections in Columbus, and these rank very high,” he said.

The activations will bring to 24 the number of Columbus intersections covered by red-light cameras."

Garage Sale 2011

In the interest of full access and documentation, the MPCA 2011 Garage Sale Map is above. Clicking on the image should redirect you to a larger view of the image itself.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

2012 Local Government Fund Allocation

Last week's Columbus Dispatch included a clip of the "2012 Allocation of the Undivided Local Government Fund" on page B2 of the Wednesday, August 10, 2011 Issue. I can't seem to find an online version of this,  however the following is the list containing our subdivision:

Subdivision                Estimated Allocation         Percent of Total Allocation

Brice                                      7,273.46                                              0.0138
Canal Winchester                  81,244.71                                             0.1541
Groveport                             98,582.82                                             0.1869
Harrisburg                            25,049.29                                              0.0475
Lockbourne                          28,981.40                                             0.0550
Marble Cliff                          16,427.62                                             0.0312
Minerva Park                        52,995.29                                             0.1005
New Albany                         43,919.35                                             0.0833
Obetz                                  107,266.29                                            0.2034
Riverlea                                16,803.61                                             0.0319
Urbancrest                            74,944.08                                            0.1421
Valleyview                            46,477.75                                             0.0881

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

2011 Election Candidates

Today was the filing deadline for candidacy in Minerva Park for the 2011 election.

The following is an alphabetical list of the candidates running:

Mayor of Minerva Park

Lynn Eisentrout
Martin Grosh

Village Council for the Village of Minerva Park

Anthony Benedetti
Charles Legg
Jessica Rhoads
Kent Stanley
Todd Walter
David Way

The election will be held November 8th, 2011.

The MPCA sponsors a "Meet the Candidates Night", typically held sometime in October. When the date is released it will be posted on the Collective Calendar page (above) and will likely appear in the September/October issue of The Villager.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Villager on the 2003 Clerk-Treasurer Election

Apparently the bias in the Villager has been long-standing. The November 2003 issue featured details on candidates as provided from Meet The Candidates Night. I found the following interesting:

Suzanne R. Coulter, incumbent
• 6 years as MP Treasurer
• Chosen by State Auditors Office
to assist in training other
• Changed the Village accounting
system from completely manual
to a State-approved
computerized system
• Endorsed by Minerva Park
Police, MP EMS, and MP Swim
Club Board
• Chairperson of MPCA Children’s
Committee for 5 years

Loree B. Cox

[Editor’s Note] At Candidates
Night, Loree Cox, candidate for
Clerk-Treasurer, distributed
literature that alluded to “improper
activities in the Clerk-Treasurers
Office.” Complaints have been
filed against Loree Cox with the
Ohio Elections Commission, as a
possible violation of Ohio Revised
Code Section 3517.21B(10). At
press time for this newsletter, this
issue had not yet been resolved,
so we are unable to publish her
literature here.

The Villager supported Suzanne Coulter (who was running for re-election) but instead of pulling facts from Loree Cox's literature, they made a complaint against her and publicized the scandal they created.

The Village needs games like this to end.